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When his car disappears around the corner Meghan looks at me with a forced grin. I'm still frowning.

"What.The. Heck was that about?" I say deadly serious.

"What was what?" She acts innocent as she walks past me and into the kitchen.

"Okay." I groan as I look up at the ceiling then back at her, closing the door behind me and following her.

"You can not tell me that that wasn't the most painful thing you have ever had to endure!" I hardly find the words to describe what just happened.

"It wasn't that bad." She states matter-of-factly. 

Then she is quiet. When I look at her I find her staring at her shoes, leaning against the counter.

"Megs." I call to her but she doesn't even blink.

"Megs!" This time I snap my fingers in front of her face.

"Mm? What?" She still looks a little pale.

"Will someone just tell me what's going on!? Both you and Luke were acting unusual." I start to lose myself to my words, "It's like you've met before!"

Now I've got her attention. She scoffs and walks past me to the other side of the room, avoiding eye contact.

"I don't know what you're on about." is all she says.

"Agh!" I exclaim, "Just stop, okay? I know there's something you're not telling me. Ever since I met Luke you've been spooked, so tell me! Do you have a problem with him or something?"

She doesn't reply.

"So I'll take that as a 'yes' then." I pronounce half to myself.

She puts her hands down on the kitchen table.

"I just... I don't think he is the right guy for you." she mutters.

"How!? You don't even know him!" I'm yelling now. I don't mean to but I need to get something out of her.

"Just trust me!" she yells back, frustrated.

"I'm trying! I just-" I slow my speech and get a hold of my bearings.

"Please." I beg, "I can't do anything else until I know what you're both hiding."

"I just know." her voice still shaky.

"I introduced you five minutes ago and-"

"No." she clenches her jaw and shuts her eyes.

My mouth falls open but something inside me already knew.

"I knew it! You know each other!" I gasp.

She turns her back towards me and lifts one hand up to her face. Is she crying?

I walk around so that I face her again.

"I can't..." her breathing is ragged.

I take her into my arms and she just cries as we stand in the middle of the kitchen. After a while I let her go in order to get some tissues. When I return she is sitting on the couch, her head in her hands. Much like Luke had a couple of minutes ago.

Unexpectedly, she starts talking.

"Remember that conversation about the... Other relationship?" she asks shakily.

"The one that crashed and burned?" The words make me cringe. Bad move, April.

She doesn't reply and somehow I know why. I could smack myself for asking that question!

Still, she is quiet and the realisation sets in properly.

"It was you." Hearing the words from my own mouth gives the final blow and my heart drops to my stomach. I can imagine the colour draining from my face. The bombshell I just dropped explodes with a million new questions, but at this moment I am speechless.

Expectantly, she nods.

We wallow in the silence for another couple of minutes before I start stuttering again.

"B-but... How- why did I never know a-about it?"

"He was still fond of his secrets back then." she starts, "That's why I... April, he's really possessive."

My eyes don't move from the spot on the couch where he was sitting an hour ago.

"Why did he act like he doesn't know you?" My voice is monotonous.

"I guess... I guess he didn't want you to know because of-" she is overcome with a new round of sobs. She never finishes her sentence but I am overflowing with confusion so I let that piece of information hang.

"When? How long were you...?" I can't form my sentences properly.

"We broke up about two and a half years ago. By then we had been together for just over two."

Two years... Her words echo in my head.

I feel so humiliated. So disgusted with myself, like I have overstepped some kind of line. I have this thing, whatever it is, going on with my friend's ex? That's just... Not me.

"I'm sorry." she says quietly as she stands to leave. "I should have said something but-" 

Now she is at the door, hand on doorknob, talking to me from behind a turned back. "I just want what's best for you... And I don't think he is."

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