Helpful friends (Flashback continued...)

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I stood there for what must have been a good five minutes before opening the door and entering the club again. My head was still spinning wildly and my stomach was tied up in a knot of confusion.

He doesn't know where I live... Well... He shouldn't. I only met him a couple of hours ago.

I only met him a couple of hours ago!

What was I thinking randomly kissing a guy I barely know?! Seriously, who am I?

I sighed.

There is no way I'm seeing him again...

I walked back to where my friends were. They had returned to the couches, a fresh round of drinks in each one's hand.

"Have fun with what's-his-name?" Jade asked lazily, the look on her face was priceless.

"Luke Taylor..." Bella half sang his name, a dreamy expression crossing her face.

"Damn, girl." Shannon spoke up, "You must be pretty special." She gave me a little wink.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa." I lifted my hands defensively, "wha- Okay firstly, how do you know so much about this guy? Secondly, what makes me so 'special'?"

Meghan gave an emphasized gasp, "You mean you DON'T know him?"

Her face was difficult to make out but she seemed unusually caustic.

"No, I don't! Why is that such a surprise?" I asked, dumbfounded.

"Everyone at varsity knows him! He is SUPER popular... I mean he doesn't even study with us but when you say 'Luke Taylor' they all know who you're talking about." Tatiana squealed excitedly but then her face turned sour. "He's got issues, though."

"Yeah, we know. So why did you give him her address, Tats?" Bella looked pointedly at her.

"You did what!?" I shouted over the music as Tatiana blushed and slouched on the cushions.

"You know what he's like! He has that kind of effect on girls... He asks you for something and next thing you know you're telling him your life story!" she took a sip from her coke. At least I think it was coke.

I slumped onto the cushions next to her and stare at my hands. So this happens with all the girls, they swoon and melt in his presence. I should have known he sweet-talks everyone.

Everyone's eyes were on me. They looked so fascinated by something.

"What?" I groaned.

"What were you doing all that time the two of you were gone? One minute you're dancing and the next you're gone for what must have been two hours." Shannon asked suspiciously.

When my face burned red and I didn't answer, she gasped.

"What? I bet he can get any girl he wants! Why does that make me so different?" I sulked.

"He can but he doesn't."

I looked at her for an explanation.

"He has only ever been in one other relationship with a girl that no one knows. It crashed and burned insanely! Since then, he hasn't even looked at anyone else." She folded her arms and leaned back.

"Whatever..." I muttered, "You are all very drunk and I'm taking you home."

"Okay!" Jade chirped happily.

I threw a concerned look her way, "Now."

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