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I can hardly sleep but just as I do I find my alarm ringing in my ears, signaling for me to get up and get to my class. I simply shut it off and conclude that I will try my best not to exist today. The guilt gnaws at my stomach and the embarrassment burns in my cheeks. 

After a half hour I head to the kitchen. The events of the previous night are buried in the walls attack me with their silent screams as I enter. I move very slowly around the room as I make myself some tea, then I slump down on the couch in the living room and flick through the channels on TV. 

A couple minutes later the sound is drowned out by the maddening noise of my pone buzzing on the wooden table.

I never get phone calls.

I have a momentary back and forth between my brain and my muscles before I settle on answering.

"Hello?" I grumble. My morning voice still crackly.

"Whoa, hey there, sunshine!" comes the light sarcasm I know so well from the guy I don't.

My eyes widen and I start to panic but take a deep breath to gather myself before replying, "Yeah, I slept in today. Missing class."

"Ok then!" he sounds like he has come to some kind of resolution. "I guess you're not busy then..."

I can hear the smirk.

"Well... No, but Luke-"

"Great! I'll see you in ten minutes." He hangs up.

I curse at the dead air surrounding me. What happened to 'not existing today'?  Thanks, universe.

I get up reluctantly to make myself fairly presentable. In other words, brush my teeth and throw on some sweatpants and a plain black t-shirt. Too bad there is nothing I can do for my mood.

Literally the moment I finish the doorbell rings.

"Here we go." I whisper to myself. I pause with my hand on the door handle as I take a moment to collect my thoughts before opening.

I am greeted by those welcoming blue eyes, that taunting smile and those irresistible curls. He's wearing sweatpants, like me, and a hoodie with the words Miami Florida stamped across the front. Frankly, he looks amazing. 

'Too bad,'  I repeat in my mind.

"Hey again." His voice smooth as silk.

"Hey." I mutter not particularly enthusiastically.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed, didn't they?" He laughs. "Let's hope I can fix that."

I roll my eyes and step back to let him in.

Just don't lose it now, April. Breathe. Wait... Am I angry? Why? I can't blame him for not telling me about Meghan. I hardly know the dude! Okay. So just keep a cool head.

Having reasoned with myself, I put on my best fake smile and traipse over the the wing-back chair across from where he has sat on the couch. My mind is still wandering but I'm brought back by the expectant look on Luke's face.

"Oh... I'm sorry, what?"

He gives a deep chuckle then looks at me questioningly.

"What's going on with you today?"

"How do you know I'm not like this all the time?" I inquire, half jokingly.

"Because I know you."

I supply the most sceptical look I know. "Sure."

"I do! I know that you don't think we know each other but I've told you things I've never told anyone." He continues, "On the first day we met, as a matter of fact."

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