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I stuff some random things into my backpack; purse, jacket, phone. I grab my keys and run, full speed, out of my house, slamming the door on my way out.

My heart is pumping, pumping so loudly that I can hear it over the screaming tires as I speed into the empty night.

Luckily it's not far away. I turn a corner after few dangerous minutes of speeding later. The hospital comes into view, a big white building reaching for the clouds.

The ambulance is still parked outside the ER, lights flashing violently. I screech into the parking lot and come to a halt. I look down at my watch. 21:14. She should have gone straight home.

I sling my backpack over my shoulder and sprint for the doors. I barge into the lobby and look around for the reception. When I spot it across the room I jog towards the desk.

"April-" I gasp, out of breath, "April Wood?"

The man behind the counter gives me an apologetic look.

"They've taken her into ICU. She arrived about a half hour ago. I'm sorry but you'll have to wait."

He points to the couches in the corner.

"Her parents are there if you'd like to wait with them."

I didn't even notice their car outside!

"Thank you." I pant.

I walk over to the waiting area. I see them sitting there, heads in their hands, damp eyes, worried expressions, Ruby and Christopher Wood.

Ruby looks up as she sees me approaching. She is on her feet so quickly that it takes me a moment to process before she pulls me into a hug. I've always been so amazed how April's hugs feel exactly like her mother's. My body relaxes and I start to shake as I remember the hug that she and I had shared mere hours ago, before our world came caving in.

"I-I got your phone call..." My words interrupted by choked whimpers. "I c-came... What hap- happened?"

Ruby lets me go and sits me down between her and Christopher.

"The hospital called us as soon as they had identified her." He says slowly, his eyes have not moved from the double doors through which, I assume, they had taken her.

"Said there had been an accident." His voice is robotic.

"They didn't say what happened exactly but we came from home immediately, since we stay a while away." Ruby continues. Suddenly her eyes meet mine, full of shock.

"We were almost in an accident on the way here! We took that abandoned highway, since no one ever goes that way. We thought it would be quicker seeing as we could go slightly faster there." She leans back into her chair. "Then this big car came out of the town at easily 160km/h, diving in the middle of the road!"

"Oh... Well I'm glad you guys are okay." I say weakly.

We sit in silence and wait, and wait, and wait.

The clock on the wall shows 22:26 when Christopher gasps and stands.

The double doors have opened and a middle aged lady with black hair tied up in a bun and wearing a white coat walks through.

Ruby and I stand too and walk towards her.

Her expression is elusive.

"Mr and Mrs Wood?" She asks in a smooth voice.

They nod.

"We have managed to stabilize April. She lost a lot of blood though. She has also suffered an extensive head injury."

"Just tell us she is okay." Christopher says desperately.

The doctor looks at us each in turn before answering.

"She... I'm afraid there was nothing we could do... She slipped into a coma a couple of minutes ago."

The room starts spinning. I hear muffled voices around me, Christopher shouting at the doctor, Ruby crying while trying to calm Christopher down. I walk to the chairs on the other side of the room and I sit slowly. My ears are ringing; I hear an ambulance in the back of my mind, my last words to her, and the look on her face before she left my house.

The voices have stopped and I feel a gentle hand take mine and lift me off the chair. We walk through the doors and enter a long corridor leading to a ward.

I stop before entering.

"You go." I utter, tears falling down my cheeks.

They might have replied but I don't register. I lean against the wall and as soon as I am alone I slide down to the floor, holding my knees against my chest.

I can hear the faint sound of machines beeping, gurneys being moved but other than that, complete silence.

A while later April's parents come through the doors.

"Y-you can go see her if you like." Christopher's voice is raspy and echoes off the austere walls.

I nod and stand up.

I walk into the ward and see her immediately. Her bed is in the far corner and as I approach her I take in her appearance. Her head is wrapped in a large bandage, her lip is cut, her one cheek has been stitched up, her left arm has been placed in a cast and on her neck is a big plaster. Her right arm is resting on top of the blankets and once again I find myself staring at the bruise wrapped around her wrist.


I look at her peaceful face.

What do I do now? Call Luke?

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