Thursday, March 5th

65 2 0

This chapter is a little CRAZY. I hope you enjoy. At the end, you'll know how crazy Mackenzie is. HAHAHAHAHA

I text Chloe and Zoey.

Hey guys. Wanna go to the mall?

C: sure. Meet at 8:00

I put on some jeggings and a shirt,  and I ride my bike to the mall.

On my way, I get hit, and I black out.

I wake up, and I'm in a car, tied up.

"Mhmmmmmhjmshm" I try to scream.

"Hello NIKKI!" I hear MacKenzie shout.

Then I see her sitting next to me.

We park, and she takes me inside.

"Nikki, any last words?" she says.

"WHAT?" I shout.

She ties me to a chair (ones that lean back), and rolls me down into a basement.

Man this girl is CRAY CRAYFISH.

She puts her hand on to a tablet, and a door opens.

"Welcome to my LAIR, NIKKI!" she evilly says.

"Why am I here?"

"I'm gonna make sure you don't steal my BRANDON, silly."

"I'm just gonna be st-"

And with tape she closed my mouth.

"I have stuff to do. Tonight, I will kill you, and you won't be able to do anything. MWAHAHAHA!

-tonight- well whatever.

"HEY NIKKI!" She says like a psycho.

I untie myself and RUN.

I run out on to the yard, and I'm close to making it to a bike.

Then something grabs me.

"No NIKKI. You will stay :)" MacKenzie says.

She takes me back downstairs, and I sit back into the chair.

"In 1 hour, your chair will FALL INTO LAVA!" she evilly laughs.

-50 mins later-

"10 mins left".


I fall into the pit, but their isn't any lava.

Just plastic balls.


"Aww crap"

She grabs a gun, and then tries to shoot me.

I get shot, and I black out again.

When I wake up,  I'm in the hospital.

"Thank goodness she's OK!" my mom cries

"Who shot you?" Chloe asked

"MacKenzie" I replied

"She is so VAIN" Zoey said.

"Well you don't have to see her for a year." Mom said

"Prison?" I asked

She nodded her head.

That girl is so LOW.

Then MacKenzie walks in.


"My dad payed the bail out price" she smirked.

She pulls me to a corner.

"MAXWELL. You are coming with me."

She acts sweetly "Ms. Maxwell, I'm gonna take Nikki to my house to give her some new clothes."

"Oh okay. Nikki go ahead"

"BYEE" she screams

She pulls me by the shoulder and ties me on to the chair again.

"You aren't getting away with this." MacKenzie said. "BRANDON IS MINE. So back off unless you wanna die. Oh wait, you are."

She runs upstairs and I plan my escape.

My phone is 5 feet away.

If someone calls me, my phone will vibrate. And maybe I will reach it with my foot.



I grab it, answer it, and talk .


I know, I sound like a mad woman

It's the best I can DO!

"Uh okay. I don't know what you are talking about but I'm coming."

Oh crap.


And I just made a fool of myself ;(!

I hear a basement door open.

"BRANDON!" I scream

"MacKenzie tied me up" I explain

"What was she doing?"

"Trying to kill me"

MacKenzie comes in, and she's in shock. Her eyes are as big as saucers.


Then me and BRANDON RUN! We don't stop till we hit the car and we both scream. . .


I'm home in 5 mins and I jump on my bed

MacKenzie is so evil

I can't even believe she swooped this low.

I get 6 texts, 2 from Brandon, 3 from C+Z group chat, and one from BLOCKED NUMBER?!

Who the HELL is that?

Craaaazzzyy night eh?

I'm happy you're okay.

Girl, we couldn't find you, where are you?

Where the hell are you?


Hey NIKKI! Tomorrow night, meet me at the park alone.


I'm not going alone.

Every time in those movies the person either dies, gets kidnapped, or OTHER THINGS :(!

The thing is, something always goes

I can't even right now.

Who sent that suspicious text?

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