Saturday, February 14th

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Today's my BIRTHDAY!

So excited!

I get to have it at my AUNT CLARISSA's Country Club!

I rode there in a LIMO!

BTW, my aunt CLARISSA, owns the Westchester Institute of Cosmetology!

A/N: I don't think that's right ;)


Daddy arranged for MKTO, ANDY GRAMMAR, and T Swift, and MORE TO PERFORM!

And I was gonna be on the cover of a MAGAZINE!

I was gonna be a pop star!

I invited all the CCPs, Brandon, NOT YOU.

And all my relatives!

It was gonna be the BEST BIRTHDAY BASH!

Especially without YOU, Dork!


"Hey Kenzie"

"Auntie Clarissa! How are you doing"

"Just great! I have arranged for a 4 layer cake for you, with YOU in Dolce & Gabbana designer clothes."

"Yay! Thanks so MUCH!"

"Now let's get you into some Jimmy Choos and Dolce&Gabbana designer clothes!"

Then, I looked awesome.

I was ready for the RED CARPET!

No joke!


-when Party started-

"Hey Jess, glad you could MAKE IT!"

"Hey Sarah, hey Ryan, blah blah."

Then all the CCPS CAME!

And Brandon came!

"Do you think I could have brought some guests"

"Anything for you, Brandy!"

"OK, Chloe, Zoey, Nikki, come."

OMG, you guys were wearing DOLCE & GABBANA $2000 DRESSES!

"How'd you get those?"

"I know someone." You replied.

"UGHHHH, Michael get them.

If you don't know who Michael is, he's my BODYGUARD.

He picked Chloe, Zoey, and NIKKI up and threw them.

Yes, THREW them.

"Well, Brandy lets go"


"Why no?"

"You seriously made your bodyguard THROW Nikki, Chloe, and Zoey."

"Well bye. And I'm not giving you 10,000 dollars then"

"That's FINE!"

Then I SASHAYED away.

A/N: this is something I forgot to put in the first chapter.

-pretend this is 1st chapter xD-

I'm Mackenzie Hollister.

I have a little sister named Amanda. My mom's name is Amber Hollister. She works in Real-Estate and sells houses for the people. Rich of course.

My dad is Marshall Hollister. He works with the Pop Stars and helps direct movies. He's super RICH like a MILLIONAIRE :)!

I was born in LA, California, and I loved it there!

-Back To Party-

"Well Bye Brandon!

Then I took his phone.

And texted Nikki.

B (me): Mackenzie, Crazy party eh?

B: Oops, wrong number.


I'm gonna stir up trouble.

And Brandon is gonna kick that girl to the curb.

Have fun, Ikki.




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