Monday, March 2nd

61 2 1


The TRIP to LA is in less than a MONTH.

And MacKenzie is SUPER PISSED.

I told her off REAL GOOD.


Oh, I got a text from CHLOE :)!

* * * * *
Chloe: Hey Nikki. Meet us in the janitors closet ASAP!
* * * * *

I checked my watch.

Whew, 10 minutes till class.


I pushed the door and PANTED.

"NIKKI! What happened yesterday? I thought we were gonna meet yesterday at DAIRY QUEEN!" Chloe screamed


I forgot :(!

I was too busy with BRANDON!

I explained "Brandon asked me to go to CRAZY BURGER. I guess I forgot I was supposed to HANG OUT with YOU GUYS! I'm the worst BFF EVER!"

"Nope. Mistakes happen. People look for good people. But I look for the good in people. Because no one is perfect." Zoey humbly said.

"Besides, SPILL what happened. We want to KNOW" Chloe gushed.


They were butting into my social life.

They're like, the BEST FRIENDS EVER!

I don't deserve BFFs like CHLOE and ZOEY!

"Guys, I'll TELL YOU LATER. Mostly cause we have THREE MINUTES to get to CLASS!" I shouted!

I quickly ran to class and sat down.

*LUNCH ^ . ^*

"Hey GUYS!" I said and sat down next to Brandon and CHLOE.

"Hey Nikki. Wanna w-

"BRANDY! What's up? Your hair looks AMAZING, HON!" MacKenzie gushed.

"Mackenzie, here's something for you. Anytime I try to have a conversation with NIKKI, you and your BIG MOUTH butt in. Let me say this clearly. I DONT LIKE YOU! So please shut up and take your big mouth with YOU. I don't need your crap in my LIFE." Brandon said.

Everyone's eyes were as big as saucers, including MACKENZIE'S!

"You were kidding, right HON?" She said and batted her eyelashes.

"Nope, you lip gloss ADDICT! Now leave! Before I HURT YOU MORE.


I don't CARE!

"Brandon, you actually stood up to HER!" I gushed

"Yeah, she blabs too much and I just needed to do something. I will NOT tolerate any more of that CRAP!" he shouted.

"Yeah. That girl is psychologically BRAIN DEAD! I wonder if she has a THERAPIST!" I giggled

A/N: Yes. She does. Read DD9. SOWWY! Had to spoil it. DD9 was just too GOOD!






He asked ME (the biggest dork in the history of DORKS) to walk to BIO with MOI!

Moi means ME, in French (which I hate taking it. and I remember the time Brianna stuck her spider in my FACE!)

And we walked!

And I. Can't. Believe. It. But we brushed hands a couple of times and blushed.

We sat down and had a half convo.

"Nikki can I ask you something?" Brandon said.

"Yes." I replied

"Would y-



Now I won't know what he wants to TELL ME.

"Hello class! Today we will be having a pop quiz on the Krebs Cycle. Please put your books away and clear your desk" Mrs. Kincaid said.


I forgot to STUDY for the stupid TEST.

I quickly flipped through my notes and slammed my book into my BACKPACK.

-after test-

"OKAY, STUDENTS! Hand me your PAPERS!" she shouted.

Then I heard a cry from my back.

"Ms Kincaid! Nikki threw a paper at me that says LOSER!" MacKenzie lied.

"No I didn't! I SWEAR" I said, nervously.

"Ms. MAXWELL, see me after class."

MacKenzie had this BIG SMIRK on her phony little face.

I so wanted to SLAP it off.

And throw a dodgeball at her.

And make her faint, and not get in trouble for it.

-after class-

"Ms. Maxwell, what happened?" she snapped.

"I guess she took a page out of her notebook, wrote LOSER, then pretended I threw it at her." I explained

"I know you don't do these type of things, so let's check the cameras." She said.

We walked to the office and checked.

I was RIGHT!

"Hmm, I will talk to Principal Winston for you, dear. Thank You!" she said.

She then wrote me a pass and I hurried off to the library.

I pushed the doors and RAN IN.

"NIKKI!" they said in unison.

"We have info about the trip" Chloe said

"Don't tell me it's cancelled!" I whined

"It is" Zoey said all down.

"JUST KIDDING!" they said in unison again.

"Geez, you gave me a HEART ATTACK. Thankies" I said, giving them the stink eye.

"Apparently, R5 is gonna be in town" Chloe gushed

"So the entire BAND is coming!" Zoey said, giving ME the stink eye

"OMG! YES!!" I said, pumping my fist

We shelved books then someone dropped by.

It was MACKENZIE :(!


"Hey Dork! I see bumps on your face, oh wait those are WRINKLES. Put a mask on you FREAK!" she sneered.

"Sorry I have a JOB to do. So LEAVE. BYE BYE." I said, rolling my eyes.

"I just have 124 BOOKS I gotta return dork. So shut your fricking mouth and SHELVE THESE BOOKS." she shot

Then she strutted out of the room.

Who does that?!

-at home-

My phone chimed.


You'll never believe who it is.....

A/N: Thankies EVERYONE! Authors note coming up next. SOWWY for a cliffhanger. I love those. Anyways, we are getting longer chapters! Anyone happy?
I am! As long as you like my books, I'm happy too!

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