Chapter 1: Who is this Man?

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You leaned against the wall of a concrete building out on a snowy night. Your birthday was drawing very near, and yet you couldn't celebrate it. Why? You were homeless. Your parents died when you were little, and your mean neighbor kicked you out of their house. You were only five, and you were sad. Always sad. People ignored you, showed no empathy for the little child. All of a sudden, a silhouette appeared beneath you. When you got a better view, you saw a Finnish man with blonde hair, purple eyes, wore a light blue coat, and a hat that goes along with it.

"What are you doing out here out in the cold?" He asked.

"Well, you see, I'm homeless and this is where I sleep. And, yeah." You said.

The blonde man felt sorry for you. He wouldn't want to leave you all alone, for he is a nice man himself.

"How would you like to live in my house?" The Finnish man asked nicely. You were shocked. You would never believe that you and the man could make it at this step. You nod your head and hugged him tight.

"What is your name?"

"I'm (y/n). Yours?"

"I happen to be Tino. Nice to meet you. Now let's go in my car before you get a frostbite." He said.

From that moment, Tino took you into his car. The warm car air touched your skin as you slid through the back seat. Tino pulled out and locked a seatbelt from your seat. You explained him all about your life before you started living on the streets.

"So, your parents died and your neighbor wouldn't allow for you to stay with them? Talk about no feelings." Tino responded.

The stoplight was red, and Tino looked at the back seat. He happen to see you in your sleeping figure, since you wanted to doze off anyway. Tino showed a sweet smile and had eyes back on the road.

As soon as you two were home, you still happened to be asleep, so Tino picked you up, carried you to his room, and gently placed you on his bed, removing your jacket and pulled his blanket over your body. Tino, in his pajamas, hopped onto his bed, turned off the lights, and looked at you.

"Wait till I tell them about you, (y/n)." Tino whispered as he stroked your silky hair. He reached and kissed your forehead.

"Until tomorrow. Sweet dreams, (y/n)."

Tino happily sleep and into Lala Land, excited to tell his four other friends about you.

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