Chapter 15: Mirrors - Part 1

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"Well, well, well. If it isn't the one and only birthday girl." A faint voice not far away admitted. As you open your eyes, five men were surrounding you. They somehow looked very identical than the Nordic Five. Except, their eyes glow a menacing dark red.

"W-where am I, a-and who are you people?!" You broke out.

One of them chuckled. He looked much similar to Tino. "Tino" approaches to you slowly.

"We're the 2p side of your so called 'family'. Also known as the "big fat meanies" that you little kids say to us." He leans an inch close to you. "That's right. You're thirteen." He chuckles once more. "And that means that you're not leaving us for...quite a while." A smile spreads across "Tino"'s face.


"Because I told you to!" "Tino" slaps your face, causing it to redden. You slipped out tears.

"Aww. Why are you crying? Big girls don't cry, so shut it up."

A man, looking like the other version of Lukas, motioned and placed a hand on him. "Tino" remained silent.

"Without said, we're here to make your life better." The other five leaned near you, and everything went dark.


"Berwald, have you seen (y/n)?" Tino questioned. Berwald shook his head making Tino more anxious. He searched the entire house, including the basement and the front and backyard. No sight of (y/n). Mathias bumped Tino.

"Hey, Tino, have you seen (y/n)?"

"No. I looked everywhere for her, and I still don't see her." Emil approached to Tino and Mathias with a hat.

"Is this yours?" Emil extends his hand. The hat was a dark red, shape similar to Tino's. His eyes grew. "Where did you find this?"

"It was in the bathroom floor." Tino ran to the bathroom and flicked the lights. A note was placed on the marble sink counter.

Thanks for the invitation.

A red spot is displayed at the side edge of the note. Then, a teardrop from Tino.

"I think I remember the door to the backyard being unlocked." Mathias placed a hand on his chin. Tino swiftly grabbed Mathias' shoulders with force.

"Why didn't you say anything sooner?!" Tears continually flowed down Tino's orbs. Someone pulled Tino away from Mathias. Berwald, stern-looking, looked Tino into his crushed purple eyes. His hands slid down from Tino's shoulders to his hands, and firmly grasped them.

"It's them." Berwald took a step back and took the hat off of Emil's hands. He then showed a mark displayed under the hat. A Finnish flag and "2p" written next to it. Berwald grabbed Tino's hand and led him to the front door, Mathias and Emil coming along. Walking to the vehicle, Lukas started the engine and took a seat at the back. The other four ran and hopped on as Berwald drove off.

"Hello? Mister Ludwig? Can you please take over the party just for a while? We need to find (y/n)." Tino blurted as soon as Ludwig answered.

"What happened to her?"

"She disappeared. The 2p's kidnapped her."

Ludwig grunted. "That damn 2p's. Ja, I'll take care of the party." A fellow Italian yelled at the phone, while Ludwig grunted and pushed him away. After a few seconds Ludwig answered. "I got it. Don't worry."

"Thank you, Mister Ludwig! Actually, please tell them that we're ending the party early. We don't want more people getting involved. Well, we depend on you! Bye!"

"Bye. Be careful."


Ludwig hung up while Kiku approached to him. "Who was that?"

"Tino. (y/n)'s been kidnapped by the 2p's, and I have to take care of the party at this moment."

"That sounds horrible. I'll help you take of it, too."

"Me, too!" Feliciano chided in. Ludwig gave him a glare, but sighed and walked away.

The party went on average. The chatter. The dancing. The music. Everything went normal. Ludwig climbed the stair and walked to the balcony. He raised a hand and spoke a loud, attentive voice.

"May I have everyone's attention?" The crowd fell silent, background music booming the room.

"Oh, look! West decides to be a party pooper!" Gilbert laughs as Alfred joins in. Ludwig gives them an outraged look.

"You better shut up because this is nothing to joke about!" Gilbert and Alfred piped their mouths the moment he finished his sentence.

"If you're wondering, the Nordics left to..." Ludwig steers his head to Kiku and pleading for help. Kiku gently pushes Ludwig aside.

"We're sorry to tell you this, but the party has to end early," the audience threw disappointing sighs and 'aww's. "The Nordics are working out a serious issue, and they want all of you to kindly leave for your safety."

Alfred stands beside and opens the main door. "Hey, dudes! Party at my place!" Half of the crowd cheered and rushed outside, while the rest calmly walked out.

"We have to find (y/n)." Ludwig admitted. Kiku's eyes slightly widen.

"But Mr. Ludwig, how are we going to track their location?"

Feliciano stepped in the conversation. "They'll cook pasta, and we can smell our way!"

"NEIN! We must take this seriously!" Words shouted out of Ludwig's mouth. Ludwig pulls out his phone, and slips it into his ear after pressing a few numbers.

"Hello, Tino?"

"Mr. Ludwig?"

"We're going to help you get her back."


I know. I haven't updated for what seemed like YEARS. But don't worry! IM STILL ALIVE. Enjoy the cliffhanger~~ ;)

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