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Dear Diary,

It's me, Gabriela. I cannot believe I found this. The pages are torn and yellowed. Some are even missing. This old ratty thing smells like mildew, but I can't part with it. My innermost thoughts and secrets are bared in this musty diary. My rendezvous with Alduin, my second affair with another mysterious God. But all of those details come later. I've decided to rewrite my memories, add more details, you know; make it better than before. Besides, most of the diary isn't legible due to water damage and the ink I used has faded. Where to begin? Ah yes, my home.

Before I was even breathed into existence, a cataclysmic shift was about to rock the serene island of Atlantis. Yes, the same Atlantis you read in your story books. It is the very Atlantis that has intrigued and captured the heart of many scholars and dreamers. Oh yes, Atlantis existed. It was the pinnacle of its time and consisted of many smaller islands connected by angel glass bridges. The land thrived with both tropical and forestry plants. Many that was foreign to any other country. The land was abundantly fertile and blossomed with breath taking colors. This island was richer in appearance, clean and fresh. The countryside cottages rose up on hilly mounds with thick ribbons of water that fell in between each village. The cottages almost seemed molded into the earth, like they had arisen from the land itself.

While the rest of the world was ravaged by war, disease, and filth, the people of this stunning paradise were peaceful, intelligent, and rumored to have mystical abilities and unique ties to the earth and the elements. The rumors, which had the other nations both fascinated and envious, were all true. They were the very first fae, elven in nature. The shortest fae being six feet tall, they were fair haired with contrasting sun-kissed skin and pointed ears. They were striking to look at and could enchant a human by merely batting an eyelash. As they evolved so did their appearances. Before long, they possessed every shade of complexion and hair color like humans. They instinctively understood many languages and had an ear for music. They were talented in all arts and holistically appreciated the various pleasures that life had to offer. It was impossible to dislike such peaceful, well-mannered people. But yet, they had gained many enemies.

In the beginning, the Atlanteans traded fairly with all of the neighboring nations, enticing them with their alien behaviors and beautiful way of living. Their goods were advanced and of better quality. They traded unfamiliar gems, spices, and metals not found anywhere else on earth. Their food was always delicious and overflowing. Humans weren't usually allowed in the cities for more than a day. The human eye couldn't fully grasp the beauty of the island because their eyesight was not enhanced enough. They easily became infatuated with the sights and smells of this alien world, but were too savage to wholly appreciate its magnificence.

The other suspicious aspect of the island was the main source of Atlantis' downfall. Because of their inherent capabilities, the fae were able to magnify the power of crystals and interlaced them underground to create a power house, so to speak. In doing so, the network of crystals changed the island and its people forever. The crystals not only radiated light and brought power to their villages, but it made them all connected on a psionic level. Even after a fae passed into the heavenly realms, the memories and consciousness could still be accessed by the currently living fae. Deep meditative interaction with the crystals linked them together. This neural-like linkage could not be replicated by humans because they didn't have the special abilities required to create such power.

It started with the green-eyed Greeks who couldn't bear such distinguished people to possess greater fortune, status, and innovation than them. After the crystal rumors rapidly took hold, the Greeks quickly rallied the other nations to their side, persuading them that the Atlanteans would eventually overthrow their countries to further build upon. It was true that the Atlantean pantheon had entertained the idea, but they were so early in the development of their new species and what the island had to offer that the idea was short lived. That wasn't enough for power hungry Greeks. They were fueled by their Gods, who wanted domination over Atlantis. The other pantheons were absolutely jealous.

You may be asking who Gabriela is and what she has to do with any of this. Well, I am the infamous angel Gabriela known for my fiery attitude and take-no-prisoners view on life. I am telling you what I remember of Atlantis because I'm sure no one else will. The heart break of losing our precious city and most of our people stayed with us throughout the years. No one, not even the angels, speak about Atlantis anymore. Even to us our home has become like the mythical unicorn. Sometimes it's like a bad dream; my time with the Nightingale sector and those late nights with Alduin at the hot springs.

Oh. You don't recall the hot springs? I do, each day and night the memories keep me wide awake. But I also remember something else. Someone who picked up a fragile little dove and carried her home.

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