Chapter Five

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Months had passed since Elliana's murder. We endured more battles than we had before her cruel death. We no longer had time to think or grieve for our fallen comrades. The Greeks joined the Romans who were rallying other neighboring countries to invade us. Elves spent the majority of their time strengthening their homes and preparing for the worst. We destroyed the angel glass bridges, but the humans could still take to their ships to destroy us. Although we had more power, we were a new species which meant unfortunately we lacked the numbers. Creating more angels and elves to join in the fight was extremely taxing on Gods and Goddesses. We didn't have enough time to create more although we still tried. Every time we made more, the humans had even more countries joining in their cause.

The war was about to take a devastating turn now that the other deities were finally taking notice of Atlantis and its people. Like their sad humans, they too became jealous of our land and the superior nature of our fae. They wished to either possess Atlantis or destroy her. There was no middle ground. The Atlantean pantheon tried to convince them to back down. We made promises to never step foot on their land, we devised peace treaties, and we even offered marriage arrangements to seal these pacts. We did everything we could to stop the battles and bloodshed from continuing. But to no avail, they were not interested in peace or new trades. If they couldn't have Atlantis, then no one could. Besides, how could they ever trust us? They claimed. They said we are nature's abomination and do not even deserve to walk this earth. Ironic, considering we safe guard our land and we are intimately connected to it.

Over these last few months I watched as Gabriela changed into a woman who was capable of anything. She could kill without remorse to save Atlantis and she dealt with her emotions away from everyone, even me. She no longer shed a single tear in front of me. She was still the same person, but she seemed stronger, confident, and in control of her feelings. The day I harshly snapped at her had really betrayed her. The minute I walked into the crowd of soldiers and realized what I had done it was too late. She refused to talk about what I had said or let me apologize.

I am an arrogant, selfish man who has more flaws than most. I envy my brother just for being born and I take pleasure in him being a naïve servant of mine. I refuse to be with the woman I love because it's neither the time nor an appropriate match. Gods and angels are not a couple make, and if I even tried I would be ridiculed beyond belief. All of this is attributed to my vanity and selfishness. I know all of this. I'm not proud. But I am a young God. I was born to privilege and power. I grew up being showered in praise and affection I had not earned. Day after day I watch Cael politely and kindly address me. Day after day I watch husbands lose their wives, wishing they were immortal like Gabriela and I. Watching those around me exuding goodness of character, it reflects horribly on me. It has made me question my whole existence.

And yet...I still needed to keep my distance from Cael because if I became too close to him and let my feelings interfere, I might accidentally reveal his fate to him. I was already walking on thin ice with the Fates by bringing Klaus and Cael together earlier than I was meant to. And with Gabriela, everything inside of me told me to forgo the opinions of others and the war just so that I could be with her. But I knew neither of those dilemmas could be resolved, not as this time anyways.

"Are you ready?" Gabriela asked me. Her white blonde hair flowed in the breeze. She sat atop her horse like a warrior princess. Her dragon scale armor contrasted with her pale skin and light hair. She surely was a fierce woman to behold.

"As always." I nodded and urged my horse down the hill.

The Nightingale Sector, which consisted of Klaus, Cael, Gabriela, and myself, had become widely known. We often rode out into the night to stop incoming soldiers from trying to cross the ocean. We were ruthless and feared by the humans, but our people revered us. Innocent lives were sometimes lost in our battles, but we always honored them by burying them in their personal customs. Sometimes women and children were sacrificed in our pursuits to protect our land. It would surely haunt us even years from now. But we knew that the humans had no qualms about doing the same to our people, if not worse.

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