I'm not going to sit here and delude myself. I know that I was being an asshole moreso than Keira was. She kept ignoring me though, glaring at something off in the distance while we sat outside at the bar. It's my birthday, dammit! She seemed to spend the whole time acting tired and put out, and I was sick of it. I'd snap my fingers to bring her back to the present, but she would yell at me to knock it off. I got fed up, so I got up and left, catching a cab home. I think I heard her call after me, but I was too pissed to care. We drove home with the blinding lights of some tailgater giving me a migraine. It really didn't help my mood any.
It's been a couple hours though, and I have that crummy feeling in my stomach that comes from fighting with loved ones. So, I'm messaging her on Facebook Messenger.
"Keira, I'm sorry I stormed off. I don't know what's up with you, but I'm here if you want to talk."
Sent 3:42 AM
Seen Aug 3 at 3:44 AM
"Ashley, I understand. I'm coming over to visit now, please don't go anywhere. I really need to see you. Is anyone else home with you?"
"No," I type.
"See you soon then. :)"
I can feel the tension starting to ease away. I begin to wonder about what had been really bothering her. She isn't usually this distracted. After a few minutes pass, I feel my phone buzz in my pocket. I pull it out, and am surprised to see a call from Kelly, Keira's sister. I answer the phone, and immediately feel like I've been sucker punched in the gut when I heard Kelly sobbing.
"Kelly? What's wrong?" I ask, heart hammering.
"I-she was-Keira was murdered. In our apartment," Kelly chokes out between sobs.
"Are...are you sure?" I ask.
"Yes, I'm fucking sure. I came home around 1am, and she was there on the fl-floor, in a pool of her own blood. She talked before about this guy following her around. I don't-I should have listened!" At this point, Kelly devolves into a pool of tears and I can feel myself begin to grip the phone until I'm relatively sure it might break.
"I just talked to her on Facebook not minutes ago," I point out.
Kelly takes in a shuddery breath, "That's not possible. She's dead. She's been dead for hours."
I watch in shock as bright headlights turn up my driveway, causing me to wince.
"Kelly," I say quietly, "Do you have her phone?"
Kelly is silent for a moment, "It's not here."
"Kelly, please stay on the line," I beg.

Scary ghost stories and stuff (1)
HorrorThese are from the net however they are the creepiest stories ever!.......o(╥﹏╥)o in other words I did not write ANY of them. so please credit the right full owners, thank you.