But you did anyway.
That's good. Well, maybe not good exactly. But it's a start.
Let's just be honest with ourselves.
You are dead.
Not in that 'look behind you' jump scare sense. In the 'you have been dead for some time' sense.
Deep down you know it. Or suspect it at least.
But right this second, you are amused by this writing. 'Where's this going?" you ask.
So you're not quite ready yet. That's to be expected. Denial: a vital part of the human experience.
You've heard your life passes before your eyes when you die. It does, but not the way you think. Your PAST doesn't flash before you. Your FUTURE does.
Not your real future. The future you imagine for yourself.
The human mind doesn't handle severe change well. It needs to take time to process.
Remember losing the first thing you really loved? How your perceptions changed?
That was your mind trying to sort it out.
That's what your life is now. It's your dying mind trying to sort things out.
Again, deep down, you know you are dead. But it can't be spelled out here. It would be too emotionally traumatic.
So instead, here are a few examples of something that MIGHT have happened. That "near miss" when you avoided a horrible accident. That time you "almost" drowned but came up at the last minute. That horrible illness that you made a "miraculous" recovery from. Any of that sound a little familiar?
At the moment of death, your mind isn't quite ready to accept the sudden, jarring end to everything. So it invents your future.
'That's not possible, it makes no sense,' you're thinking. That's okay.
Time is subjective. Remember how dreams feel like days? Or how when you are in pain seconds feel like hours? This is just another manifestation of that. In reality, you died less than a second ago.
Even as your brain tries to cope, it also tries to understand death. So you have found yourself with more of a fascination with death. Horror. Maybe movies. Maybe books.
Maybe Short Scary Stories.
You've read a few tales. It's comfortable. Because you are working towards the truth.
This site is simply your mind's manifestation of a coping mechanism.
Everything here you've read is preparing you for the transition.
It's okay. It's not the end of the world.
Well, for you it kind of is. Ha ha. Humor. Another coping mechanism.
So you're going to close this story with a snort, or a shake of the head.
This isn't the finale. This isn't the time you will accept the truth.
It's the first seed.
You know how in dreams you don't remember everything in reality?
What's your mother's favorite food? What's the first thing you felt guilty about? Do you remember where you got every scar? Where was the first place you went on vacation?
Anything fuzzy? Are you forgetting things you should know?
You're shutting down. Think about it.
Sleep well.

Scary ghost stories and stuff (1)
HorreurThese are from the net however they are the creepiest stories ever!.......o(╥﹏╥)o in other words I did not write ANY of them. so please credit the right full owners, thank you.