I work as a Medical Secretary in the hospital in my town. I have been there for a year now.
First of all I have to say that I was very skeptical taking this position because visiting this hospitals' ER as a patient in the past I have had some very eerie feelings. You know the kind of feelings when you're alone but you sense others around you, or when you feel like your being watched? Well this is how I felt every time I came in there-even as a child.
After I was offered the position, after careful consideration, I accepted it. The offer was too good to refuse. The school that I had graduated from sent out resumes for all the graduates to all the local facilities that were hiring, and the hospital was offering me an exceptional salary, and benefit package.
Anyhow, onto my stories: My first few weeks on the job, I was in orientation. All was well. I was working day shift 8am to 5pm, on the 10th floor which is the respiratory care unit. I started making friends with all the nurses, and other staff. Things were great, there were no scary feelings, or maybe I just didn't have time to feel them at that point.
Well after 4 weeks of orientation I was put on 2nd shift: 3-11pm. This is when the freaky stuff started to occur. One night I got on the elevator (by myself) as usual for my first break of the evening, (I'm a smoker so I usually take my breaks outside).
I pushed in the #1 button and the doors closed. The computerized voice system said "going down". I then heard the voice of an elderly woman in almost a whisper say "six please" I lifted my head up to sort of look around. Knowing I was the only one in there it was just a normal reaction.
All of the sudden the elevator dings, and the doors open up. In front of me sat a run down old dusty nurses station, (I was on the 6th floor.) I had not seen this floor before. The walls were torn down half way: there were tools and things lying all over. This floor at the time was closed for renovations. I was kind of shaken at that point. I pushed the #1 button 2 or 3 times hard wanting the doors to shut quickly. As they began to shut I heard the same woman's voice say "thank you".
The elevator proceeded down to the first floor and I got off. I went and sat on the benches directly across from them almost in disbelief. At that point, my mind was running wild. I'm looking down both ends of the halls. This time at night, there are very few people in this area mostly staff and they are just randomly passing through.
That little voice in my head kept saying "did that really just happen?" I sat there a minute longer and said a prayer, (That comforts me). I went on outside and that strange, eerie feeling stayed with me.
On my way back in I stopped at the security station in the ER and asked to be escorted back up to 10. It's a long scary walk through those dim-lit hallways from one end of the hospital to the other. There are a lot of different elevators but they all go to different areas of the hospital and of course the ones I use daily are the furthest away.
I made my way back upstairs. The charge nurse asked why I had security come with me. I felt a little stupid telling her my story, but it felt good to let it out. She said that I shouldn't feel crazy about experiencing that because she had been here for almost 20 years and that she has had even stranger things happen. She said that some people who work there say that they have not seen or heard anything out of the ordinary, but there are others who have insisted that they have seen and heard ghosts and spirits roaming through the halls and in the patients' rooms every time they work.

Scary ghost stories and stuff (1)
HorrorThese are from the net however they are the creepiest stories ever!.......o(╥﹏╥)o in other words I did not write ANY of them. so please credit the right full owners, thank you.