So this is why....

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I was feeling uneasy these past few days, but I decided to just shrug it off. After all, we should be enjoying our time while we can, right? So here I am, running around the lot in a hot Saturday afternoon, playing tag with the others.

It has always been like this ever since. We wake up, eat, play, eat some more, sleep, and then wake up again. We don't need to work our asses off for food. There is an abundance of sustenance in the ground.

I suppose it's because of this carefree lifestyle that every once in a while, it has to happen. One or more of us adults will be missing the next day. All we can hear is the sound of their screams the night before.

It's worse when it's the children. There hasn't been a time when there is only one child who is missing. It always has been a dozen or so.

And we never know what happens to them. The worst part is that there is nothing that we could do.

It was time to sleep. So I went to my room and lay in my bed. Then I felt someone grab me, dragging me out of my room. I screamed my lungs out. Maybe my time has come, but I won't give up without a fight. He again had the chance to grab me by my neck, but I continued to struggle until he accidentally released me from his grip. And I ran and ran as fast as I can away from him.

There are a lot of speculations why I did it. And now I'm going to answer this once and for all - this is why I crossed the road.

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