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As aalam alaikum wa rahmatuLlah wa barakatuhu. When we want to travel from one place to another we make the necessary preparations before we head there.

Same applies to life. It is a journey. From this world, to the barzakh (grave), to the day of Judgement. We need to make sure that where we are headed is Jannah.

I pray that this book assists you in your journey to Allah and may He be pleased with you and all the believers when we return to Him. May Allah set right my intentions and forgive any of my shortcomings regarding this publication.

If you have any questions or any specific content you would like to see do let me know in the comments section.

May Allah crown all our efforts with success and guide us all the way to Jannah. Ameen.

Don't forget to share.

As aalam alaikum wa rahmatuLlah wa barakatuhu.

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