Chapter Thirteen

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Dayus' POV

I woke up in the middle of the night screaming my lungs out. I don't really know what it sounded like, but I knew I was screaming because Luke and Zoë woke up and started searching around frantically for the thing that woke them. But they soon found out that the "thing" that woke them was a "who". Zoey who was still holding my hand, which I blushed at, immediately tapped in Morse code, "Are you okay?!" I typed back yes. Luke came over and sign languaged the words, "What was the dream about?" I didn't really feel like talking about it so I just shook my head and laid back down. It was too much to put on to Luke and sweet Zoë's shoulders. I could never do that to them. I knew I wasn't going to get to sleep any time soon, so I decided to at least try and make sense of my dream... I walked through the field, the grass turning red by the pools of blood coming from the thousands of bodies littered across the field. Suddenly, a dark figure started moving towards him. "Did you really want this to happen?" The man said in his mind. In the corner of his eye, Dayus saw the broken body of Zoë, her head almost severed from her body. Dayus almost puked. "You could have prevented this all if you had joined me when I asked you to. I could have made them be safe if you had been part of my army." He said. Then images flashed in my mind, Images of my parents, swords and arrows coming from their bodies. Then the man came back to view. Then he said, "You have done this to yourself." And he opened a black circle, which was probably a portal, and disappeared as the dream faded to black.

Annabeth's POV

I was super worried, as in I couldn't think kind of worried. Percy was the only one who could reassure me that Luke, Zoë, and Dayus were ok. Meanwhile, here at my mansion, we've been doing absolutely nothing. It's been absolutely boring. The only thing interesting was training. I had someone install a training room that way I can stay alive and not turn into monster chow. For some reason, training calms me. So I spend a lot of time training. My next concert was in Kansas, so I had to schedule a flight and Percy was going to have a panic attack before we even take off. All these thoughts were going through my head as I slashed another dummy. Suddenly, a bright light filled the room. When I opened my eyes, I was not in my house. I was in the Olympus throne room, again. "Hello mother." I say as I bow. "You must come with me to Olympus or an emergency meeting. Don't worry, Percy is being summoned by his moronic father." She said obviously guessing that I was about to ask about Percy. The second that thought left my mind, my mom flashed us to Olympus. I saw Percy after the light faded from my eyes. I quickly walked to him as not to interrupt the meeting. Zeus was, as normal, yelling at everyone and complaining about something. Nico and Molly were also here, I realized. Hades saw that we had arrived and screamed, "SHUT UP ALL OF YOU!!! Percy and Annabeth are here, now we can begin." At once, surprisingly, all the gods and Goddess' quieted down. Zeus stood up, "Ah, yes, sorry. You have been summoned by the gods to...

----------------------------------------------------Two Days Later------------------------------------------

I ran to keep up with Percy as he sprinted out of the plane as fast as his legs could carry him. We had just flown to some small town in Kansas for my concert. Percy could not stop hyperventilating during the flight. "Percy!" I called out, where had he gone? "Percy come here right now! We have to get to the motel!" He then came out from behind the baggage claim sign. Wow, this was a really small airport! "Percy come on lets go and we can drive and then go on a cruise after this is over," I bargained. "Only if you promise never to put me on that plane again!" I sighed. "I promise, now let's go, my concert starts in an hour!" We then hurried to the hotel as my cosmetics team took over.

---------------------------------------------- Time Skip---------------------------------------------------------

"Hello Liberal Kansas!!" I shout as the small, but loud crowd gets even louder. Who's ready for this concert to start?!" The crowd erupted once more. "This First song is a new song I call Find You There, hope you like it!

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