Chapter Three

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Percy's POV

'Stupid, Stupid, Stupid,' I thought.

I shouldn't have kissed her. She probably had found someone new over the past 13 years. Maybe that's why she looked so distant earlier, when we met again. Even after what we've through, it was bound to happen.

I just had to kiss her though. I just hope she remembers our song tomorrow. I talked to Chiron and arranged for me to sing right after Annabeth, like her encore performance. I went to my cabin afterwards feeling terrible for making her feel so bad. I grabbed my guitar and practiced the song as quietly as I could so she wouldn't hear. I went to sleep thinking about tomorrow, and how she's going to feel about it.

Zoë's POV

My mom came running in the room, slammed the door shut and slid down the door crying, muttering to herself, 'What am I going to tell him?' I immediately knew that she was talking about me.

She has been nervous whenever I mentioned this in the past and now that I know, I can't blame her.

I go over to her, "Hey do you want to tell me the story to get your mind off of him?" I ask.

I'm always like this when she gets agitated, mad or sad, which is a lot considering my mom gets angry really easy. She nodded, I helped her to the bed and as she dried her eyes, she began.

"It started when I was battling Arachne, I had just beaten her and she had just fallen into Tartarus because of the fragile ground. I was hugging your father because I needed him since I had just faced my worst fear as a daughter of Athena, or so I thought. Apparently, one of Arachne's webs was caught on my foot and I didn't realize it until I was suddenly being dragged towards the hole in the floor that led straight to Tar-, Tart-, the pit. I was too weak to pull myself up so Percy, your father, tried to help me out he said, 'You're not getting away from me, never again.' But he was pulled into the hole as well and was knocked unconscious for a second. He grabbed a ledge on the wall that was sticking out with one hand and my hand with the other. He couldn't lift me and him and your uncle Nico tried to get us out, but he couldn't reach. Percy and I realized the situation and he told the others to go to the other side of the pit and said that we'd meet them there. Only then did I realize what his plan was. He slowly let go of the ledge he was holding onto and we were then falling into the pit, together."

She began telling me how they survived some of the worst Greek monsters. She told me how they met Bob and Small Bob, and the encounter with Nyx. She told me how he had a bunch of curses put on him from every single one of his old enemies, which was a lot. How he almost died but they were saved by Damasen, the friendly Giant, how they used the Death Mist to get near the Doors of Death. She told me how they fought Tartarus himself and survived, obviously, and how Bob sacrificed himself to help my parents escape. How they got up and were out of the pit forever, but still had flashbacks and nightmares about it and they were the only ones who could comfort the other, no one else could.

I was amazed, they went through that and survived!

"Wow mom, I never knew that was why you woke up in the middle of the night and sometimes fainted at the weirdest times for no reason, except now there is a reason so I guess there was a reason to all those times you passed out." I said, as I realized my mom had a scared look on her face.

"Mom, listen to me, dad is not going to be mad at you or leave you. After what you have been through, I can guarantee that he won't leave you. In fact I'm pretty sure he'd die and go through Tartarus 10 times over and still not leave you. Tomorrow you are going to tell him about me, after the concert and I'll be there with you. Okay?" I say with a serious look on my face.

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