Chapter 8~ Attempt at Redemption

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  Stella pictured


Monday's suck.

They are by far the worst day of the week. The first day of a new week. The day where I have to wake up early after a weekend where I could stay up and sleep in. Under normal circumstances that's why they sucked. But this time it was because I would have to face the entire school body after what happened at the party. Vicky had already warned me that everyone knows. Word gets around fast.

I lay in bed and listen to the constant beeping of my alarm. I raise my fist and pound the snooze button. My legs swing over the side of the bed. With a deep breath I get ready for school. Once I have my bag packed and I'm dressed and finished my makeup I head out the door.

I hop into my Toyota Corolla and roll down the windows. The cool air makes up for my broken air conditioner. The scent of wildflowers is carried in and I relax in my seat. I finally pull into the school parking lot. I immediately regret my choice to come.

Word really had gotten around fast. As soon as I stepped out of my car all eyes turned to me. I receive a ton of hateful glares. Jace isn't the only one who blames me for what happened. I fling my bag over my shoulder and walk slowly into the building to my first period class. All along the way, groups of people stop their conversations about God knows what and pause to look at me. The occasional time they whisper something into their friends ear and erupt into giggles. I let my hair fall from behind my ear and try to cover my face with it.

I feel as if I reached my sanctuary once I reach my homeroom. But I'm wrong.

The class already has several people inside scattered around the room. I take my seat near the back and drop my bag to the floor. I whip out my phone and pretend to text people just to avoid their stares. A couple desks down sits one of the most popular girls in our school. Her name is Stella. She was gorgeous. She had auburn hair that cascades perfectly down to her waist. She has long eyelashes and stunning baby blue eyes. But looks can be deceiving.

She was the type that made your business her business. She would publicly humiliate you to the point where you wanted the floor to swallow you whole. She was clingy and no matter how hard you tried to shake her she wouldn't leave. You could easily spot her by her trail of wannabes. They reminded me of drones. They did what she did and acted as if they didn't have a brain. I had never personally had a problem with her. I avoid her like the plague. But today was my turn to get infected.

Stella whips her hair onto her shoulder and whispers to one of her clones in a not so hushed voice. "OMG there's Marley Harris. At the party on Friday I heard she was caught cheating on Jace."

The bleach blonde clone giggles. "Yeah I was there and watched the whole thing go down. She practically threw herself on Bryan. I always knew she was a skank."

Stella nods and smirks, "I've heard she's cheated on Jace before. It was only a matter of time before she got caught. I wonder how she gets those good grades of hers. Maybe-"

I've had enough. I stood up furiously and almost knocked over my chair in the process. All the small conversations that had been going on stopped. I ignored all the stares I was getting and they all faded into the background. I stalked my way over to where Paris and her friend sat. They look at me with horrified expressions.

"Listen here. What happened between Jace and I is none of your damn business. But Stella I can hear you spreading rumors. It's nice to know you have another hobby of spreading things that aren't your legs for once," I shout at her. Before she has the chance to respond, I march bag to my desk and retrieve my bag. I push past the couple of students in my way. As I leave I can hear Stella stuttering in the background.

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