Chapter 28~ Family Reunion: Part 2

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   "Eva?" I holler. I take back a step back to gain as much distance between her and I.

   "The one and only," she smiles evilly flashing her pearly white teeth.

   "Y-you did this? W-Why?" I say in disbelief. There's no way sweet Eva would want to hurt me.

   "I did indeed. I'm quite proud of myself to be honest. I thought you would be the smarter twin and put it all together, but you didn't which worked out for me." I hop on one foot. She looks down at me knee that has a stab wound in it. The blood pours down my legs leaving red streaks because I'm still in my hospital gown. Finally my legs give in and I crumple to the floor. Eva looks behind me to see the lifeless body of Eliza.

   "What happened to her?" she asks without emotion. She doesn't care.

   "She tied me up and I broke free. Then she attacked me and I had to defend myself."

   "It's okay. You did what you had to do. And it saves me from having to kill her myself. Her death was a part of my plan too, but you saved me from having to get blood on my hands. Literally." She laughs like it's the funniest thing she's ever heard while I stare at her to scared to say anything.

   "What do you mean it's okay? I murdered someone. In what world is that okay?" I begin to sob into my hands. I'm a murderer. But if I don't get away quickly I could be next and none of that will matter.

   "Because when I kill you we can be united again. As a family," Eva says with a hand on my back.

   "What? Kill me?" I say with blurry eyes. I scoot my butt backwards trying to gain even more distance.

   "Yes sweetie. Kill you. It's been my plan from the beginning." Sh easily walks up to me on the ground and strokes my hair. My heart stops. I try to crawl away again, but you digs her heel into my wound. I yell in pain causing me to stay in my spot and nurse my wound. Tears cloud my vision. 

   "Well, like all people do in the movies these days I will tell you exactly why I'm killing you. There is a reason. You see when your father died I was stricken with grief. I couldn't bare to look at you and Eliza without seeing him. I knew I had to get rid of you. I was consumed by grief. I had no one to talk to. Years passed and finally I was thinking. Why don't we all be a happy family again? Our family couldn't be complete without your father, so the only way was to kill all of us so we could be with him again. Firstly I found Eliza. She was with a horrible family and they didn't love her the way I could. They didn't deserve her. So, while visiting her I devised a plan to kill her parents. When she ran out of the house I handed her a baseball bat and hammer to kill them both. Then I would help her from there on," she explains. She is just as insane as Eliza if not more.

   "Then once I had Eliza I had to find you. You were easy to track down. Dr. Harris wouldn't shut up about the perfect daughter he had. My daughter. I told Eliza my plan to get you back and once she found out the life you had she wanted revenge. I had to please her and I'm sorry she tortured you, but in the end it won't matter. I helped her with the little game she had planned for you. She couldn't do it on her own. I bought her the phone to text you and drove her to all the places. I even monitored Vicky's messages to know where you were at all times and gave her your address. I must admit we did quite a good job. The one rule I set up for her was that she couldn't kill you. Not yet. My plan was to kill us all at the same time, but you go to Eliza first before I could explain everything to you."

   "You're just as crazy as she is! If you let me go we can be together when we have lived a long and eventful lives. I won't call the cops are anything. We can both just walk away from this," I plead on the verge of tears.

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