Chapter 11~ Breakout

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Why the hell am I here?

More importantly why am I here and Vicky isn't?

These are the questions that I've asked myself repeatedly after only 5 minutes of being in detention.

I've sent her multiple texts asking if she was coming and multiple texts back of her assuring me she was going to show up. So where is she?

Detention is being held in the same room my first period math class, so it wasn't hard to find. As soon as I arrived Ms. Sculley popped her head in to make sure I actually came. No words were exchanged and she left again. The teacher on duty-Mr. Fritz- is snoring loudly behind his desk with his legs propped up against the whiteboard. He looked comfortable, but no one else was. This was torture. Our phones are hidden deep within our bags, out of view, because we aren't allowed to use them. We have to "think about what we've done". So, no electronics. No books. No talking. Just sitting here in silence and being bored for the next hour until we can go home. This is one hour of my life that I am never getting back.

The detention room consists of me and one other guy I recognize but can't name. I've seen him around the halls loitering and glaring at me as I pass him. He's thin, but not scrawny, and tall. He had a small thin line of stubble above his top lip which will turn into a mustache if he doesn't shave soon. You could easily identify him by his outfit of a dark hoodie and dark wash jeans which is what he wears everyday. The majority of his hair was hidden behind his hood and what you could see peaking out from under his good extended down to his chin and is swished over his eye. He was sketchy and his aura basically screamed I will murder you if you look at me funny, so I only take small glances at him when he isn't looking and know I won't get caught. My eyes were focused on the clock. I was literally counting down the minutes until I could leave. Only 54 minutes to go.

I turn my head to the side and look out the window beside me. I jump out of my seat and let out a startled cry when I see Vicky's face right in front of mine through the glass. She taps the window pane lightly and points upwards. She wants me to open the window.

Usually people break out of detention. Not into it.

I turn my eyes back to Mr. Fritz who has his back to us. His eyes are closed shut and he won't be waking up anytime soon. I open the window and expect Vicky to sneak in because she's late but she doesn't.

"Where have you been? You said you were coming. What the hell are you doing?" I question quietly as soon as the window is open. She remains outside.

"I am here and technically I did come just not the way you were expecting," she replies in a duh voice.

"You're supposed to be in here. Not out there," I say pointing out the obvious.I motion to the classroom with my hand.

"Yeah I know. But I thought it would be easier to bust one person out instead of both of us trying to get out."

"Wait what? Do you know how much trouble we'll get into? It's bad enough I have a detention. Now you want me to ditch it?" The goody two shoes side of me kicked in and took manual override of my body.

"I'm your friend. Why would I get you in trouble? All I'm doing is to get us out of here so we can have fun."

I shoot her a look that shows my disapproval. The last time she had an idea that would be fun I ended up having my heart broken. It wasn't her fault, but it was partially her idea to go to the party.

"Hey Tony," she calls to the guy in the back of the room. Why does she know his name? He brushes a piece of hair from his eye. He grunts a huh.

"Can you keep a look out? I'm stealing away Ms. Goody over here for a while. It can be like our little secret. Text me when he starts to move around," she orders him. He grunts again and pulls out something from his bag that appears to be his phone and slouches further down his chair.

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