Chapter 23~ Eliza

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  "She's missing?" I yell at no one. I just need to get my anger out. My eyes narrow in on Eva who remains her calm exterior. "Why don't you even seem so upset about this?"

  She shakes her head. "You don't understand. She wasn't right." She speaks slowly choosing her words carefully.

  "Stop speaking to me like I'm a child I can handle the truth." I'm sick of everyone walking on eggshells around me. I can handle it.

  "I did some research. From what I gathered in those few years of seeing her she was seeing imaginary friends until she was 10 maybe even after I stopped seeing her. Holding their hands when there was nothing there. Having actual full on conversations with them and giggling like they were actually there. She was 10 years old doesn't that seem weird to you?" She questions even though she doesn't actually want an answer. I know she has a point with this.

  "I did some research. She saw them everywhere. We could be at a grocery store and she'd be looking up to the side smiling like a maniac as if there was someone there. She was distant and didn't like people or change. She saw and heard voices, she would talk in weird ways, she was always so awkward and bizarre. It all adds up to schizophrenia. I did all the research and since I couldn't bring her to an actual psychiatrist she couldn't get treatments to help. It has probably only gotten worse and I doubt her adoptive family even noticed when they were to busy hitting her. I can't believe I didn't notice it sooner before when it wasn't as late."

  "So you're telling me the reason you don't feel bad that she is missing is because she has a mental illness? Wow maybe it's a good thing you put us up for adoption."

  "No that's not it. Marley put it together. She is hearing voices her parents abused her giving her a reason to hate them. She hated them and I've been thinking that the voices told her to kill them. They told her they were her friends and going to help her or something and she killed them which is why they haven't caught the killer. Who would suspect a child of murder?"

    "Well your theory could be wrong. There is only one way to find out; we have to find her." Her theory makes sense, but there's one question. Why is she after me? 

  "Do you trust me so far?" Eva asks snapping me out of my thoughts.I process her words. I guess I do even though she's hidden from me she is my mom.

  "Yes," I reply numbly.

  "Good because I can almost guarantee Eliza is your stalker."I saw this coming ever since this conversation began.

  "Why me though?"

  "Think about it Marley. You got everything she didn't have growing up. You had the ideal family that would do anything for you while she was beaten. You had so much and she had so little. She wants revenge."

  "I can't believe it's my own twin that wants to ruin me. Does she wants to hurt me? Although she does have the most motive compared to anyone else," I reason.

  Eva nods. "It's a possibility. But we won't let it happen. I won't let it happen."I want to snort with laughter. Isn't it ironic how the person who hurt me the most wants to protect me from getting hurt? I choke back my laughter and question her.

  "And how are you going to do that?"I ask skeptically.

  "You can stay here. I doubt she will try anything with two people in the house. It can be like a temporary protection. We can watch over you," she says hopefully.

  "I guess. But wait let me get this straight. My twin who was separated when we were children is schizophrenic. She lead a terrible life with her adoptive family and realized what I've had so decided to take it all away from me?" 

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