Chapter 26~ Mission Impossible

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  Time is passing quickly. One minute seems to go by in a second.  I lay motionless in my bed just waiting.

  I had asked the nurse that came to check on me earlier how I had gotten here. She gave me a funny look and probably things I have amnesia or something. She answered me though and told me the lady I was with, Eva, survived the crash too and called the ambulance. She made it out okay with minimal scratches and a couple bruises. She was discharged two days ago. The nurse also explained that at night there was a lady down the hallway who would come help me if I needed anything else.

  She blocks the way from me getting out of here. I check my phone once more. It is 10:05pm. I'm on the third floor or else I would jump out of the window. My plan is to distract the lady at the front desk and lure her away from where she sits perched, so I can make my escape. Easier said than done.

  What if I can't do this? What if I can't make it on time? What if Eva is already dead? A series of what if questions float through my head. I wipe my sweaty palms on the hospital gown. I could think of all the possible scenarios and they could all never happen. By thinking of them I am wasting time.

  I stand up from my bed and peak from behind the wall of my room. Luckily, I'm in a private room or else this would be so much harder with someone watching my every move. The lady sits leaned back with her head draping over the back. I crouch on all fours and crawl down the long empty hallway. There is minimal light and it's so eerie it reminds me of a horror movie. My hospital gown drags on the floor occasionally snagging on my hands and feet. I feel cold metal press against my thigh with each movement.

  I reach the end of the hallway. I rest on my knees and get a better view of the lady at the desk. Is she sleeping? I cautiously approach her and wave my hand in front of her face. Nothing. Wow I guess this just got easier for me. Behind her desk is an elevator. I press the button and bite my lip as it rattles up. I glance behind me and hear her faintly snore. I breathe out in relief. Once the elevator door rings signalling its arrival I press the button and let it go down empty after pressing the main floor button. I run to the emergency elevator and go up a flight and peak down below me. Just as I planned the lady wakes up and rushes down the stairs to the main level to intercept the elevator and whoever she thinks is in it. I follow her down at a safe distance. She disappears into the main level and I count to 20 before I sneak out. The coast is clear.

  Beside the stairs door is a map of the main level. There is the main entrance that is right next to yet another secretary. There is an unguarded fire exit down the hall to the right. I stealthily tip toe down the hall with my head turned to look behind my shoulder. I make it out of the building uncaught. The cold air nips at my body which is instantly covered in goosebumps. The nightgown barely protects me from the weather. It has long sleeves but only reaches my knees.  

  I didn't think this far through. I can't call my dad because he would definitely take me back to my room. Vicky is also in the hospital and Eva is with the stalker. Part of the reason I have to go. I was driven here by ambulance, so it's not like my car is an option. The hotel is too far to walk to and I wouldn't make it on time. I only have one option; to call Jace.

  With shaking fingers I dial his number. He picks up on the first ring.

  "Oh my god. What trouble are you in? Do you need me to call the cops? Where are you? I can rescue you," he rambles.

  "No I just got out of the hospital. I need you to come pick me up and take me to the hotel. Please hurry," I say before hanging up. My heart races. It's 10:35pm. I stand in the parking and rub my arms violently trying to regain body heat. At 10:42pm Jace pulls up in his truck. I climb in without wasting a second. Time is of the essence. He adjusts the temperature control, so hot air blasts through the vents. He doesn't start to drive yet. I open my mouth to speak, but he cuts me off.

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