Chapter 24~ M.I.A

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  It didn't take long for us to reach the local hospital. It was only a 5 minute drive from Eva's house to downtown and maybe a half hour walk. The last time I was here was when I broke my toe because my friend dropped a broom on me. True story.

  I hate hospitals. The smell bothers me and makes me extremely uncomfortable knowing that some people in here are suffering and some can't even be cured. I have lost some family members here too.  Nonetheless, I march down to the secretary to find information on Vicky with my head held high. If I look as confident and calm as I want to be maybe I will be it. The secretary sits at a large secluded desk off to the side of the waiting room. It stinks of cleaner and chemicals. I approach the desk and tap lightly on the desk with my nails. She spins in her swivel chair. Her round Harry Potter style glasses are hanging on the bridge of her nose.

  "Hi. I'm looking for Victoria Mason. She was admitted into the ER around half an hour ago," I tell her. I brush a loose strand of hair behind my ear. She eyes me up and down then types on her computer.

  "Room 216 at the very end of the hallway. She isn't accepting visitors at this time though."

  My heart falls. "Oh I understand. Do you know when we can see her?"

  "I only know what's on this computer. So no."

  "Okay." I spin around to find Eva. It must kill that lady to crack a smile once in a while. I find Eva sitting with Vicky's dad. He has his arms around her while she cries softly into his chest. Even though this situation is horrific they're still cute together. 

  We sat in the waiting room for an hour until the news came that we could visit Vicky. We sped down the hallway until we came to her room. Just as her dad is about to turn the knob it swings open. A nurse who was too busy paying attention to her clipboard looks up and drops it. I drop to my knees to help her pick up the papers that weren't properly clipped to the board and fell to the floor. I take a look at several. They're all medical charts about Vicky.

  From over her shoulder I could see Vicky laying in her bed. She was wearing a night gown and I can only imagine what she's going to say when the medication wears off and she notices what she's wearing. She snores softly.

  "Are you family?" the nurse asks while standing up. I follow her motion.


  "No," we reply at the same time. Our voices clash over one another.

  "Well I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but we are only accepting family at this time." She looks at me sympathetically. I nod in understanding.

  "I understand." Eva and her dad waste no time in entering her room. They pull of chairs by her bedside and hold her hand. I turn to leave when the nurse offers to bring me a chair.

  "That would be awesome. I'm going to get some coffee. Can you just leave it in the hallway when I come back?" She nods and disappears. I follow the signs into the hospital cafe. I wait in line and purchase three coffees in case her parents want some. While waiting in line I start to think about Vicky.

  Eva is my mom. Well, birth mom. Eva then married Vicky's dad making me Vicky's step sister. I'm family. Too bad I realized this in a bad situation and don't have time to celebrate. My best friend needs me. Everyone else in line turns to look at me like I'm crazy. Guess I screamed it. I look at them sheepishly and take the tray from barista. Once I return to the room the same nurse as before is there.

  "I'm her step sister."

  She looks at me in disbelief, but let's me in anyways. I smile in victory and set the cardboard tray down. Vicky moves in her sleep.

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