1 Year Anniversary! (Bonus Chapter)

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It has been one year since I started this book! I have gotten so many comments and votes and reads and I am so thankful for each and every one of them! This was my first book and I didn't know how well it would go, but I'm so happy I've gotten this far! Thank you so much!

  So this book originally started as a "short story" which was like a 10 page word document for my grade 8 Language Arts class. I adapted it into a much longer and more detailed story. Since it's been a year, I'm going to post the original story I wrote 2 and 1/2 years ago so you can see all the differences. It's kinda the same but not really. I hope you guys like it!



  Alice Wilde walked slowly down the newly paved road. The scent of fresh asphalt filled the air. She crinkled her nose but soon got used to the aroma. She shoved her hand deep into her navy blue trench coat, letting her hand fumble around until she grasped onto her creamy white ear buds. She attempted to untangle the misleading knot of wires. She followed each strand, directing all of her attention to the buds. Annoyed, she stuffed them in her pocket. She glanced around her. Directly in front of her was her old Tudor style home. The brown wooden beams were chipped as the seasons released a beating on the home after all the years. It's egg coloured white paint desperately needed a new coat added. On the right side of the house. This had always been her sanctuary. No one could harm her as long as she stayed within the walls. Her dad's car, a priceless Austin Martin Vanquish, was parked awkwardly in the driveway. Almost half of the car was parked on the grass and the other half occupied the width of the drive way. Her pace slowed down. She was still a solid 100 meters away from her house.

   She turned her head, only to be left staring at lumbering pine trees that seemed menacing in the moonlight. The thick needles were a luscious shade of emerald green. A gust of cold air immediately rushed against her already cold body. She shivered. From the corner of her eye, she saw a shadow lurking in the forest. She squinted her eyes to see what it was. There was definitely something there. Even in the darkness, Alice could see the sapphire blue eyes staring back at her. The figure seemed to be moving closer, but never left the blanket of darkness cast out by the forest . Alice was instantly paralyzed with fear but was drawn to the figure. Why was it watching her? she wondered. The figure had an odd human shape, judging by its frame. It was skinny and slim, almost feminine. The figure stopped. It seemed like it was...examining her. Alice released a gasp. The figure turned around, almost as if it heard the quiet gasp that barely Alice heard. It darted back into the forest, the darkness swallowing it. The final glimpse Alice had caught was a strand of wavy golden hair, riding in the breeze.

   When Alice bolted home and bolted the door shut, she released a sigh of relief. The house gave a small shudder, the building shaking in its foundation. It settled down almost as soon as it started. She felt secure now, in the open arms of her welcoming home. All the terrible thoughts of the figure flew out the window. Instead, a new thought popped into Alice's head, a very exciting one which she had been waiting all night to tell her dad. She waited in the den, remaining close to the door.

   "Dad! Come here!" she yelled biting her lips trying not to smile and blow her cover. She kept her coat and boots on, not bothering to have any distractions from her initial intent. She heard the sound of heavy boots colliding with wooden stairs. Of course that's where her father was. He was always in his office working on his medical stuff. With a final thud, her father entered the den, only to find his beautiful olive skinned daughter leaning against the door with her hands behind her back. Her father walked over stood in front of her. He raised his bushy eyebrows, questioning what he was doing here. Alice swiftly moved her position so she was pressed against her father in an embrace. Her father, confused by all the commotion released an oof! She smiled coyly and backed away from her dad.

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