Chapter 19~ You Again?

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  The last period bell rings and I scurry to class with two Starbucks cups in my hands. The warm stinging  sensation reminds me to pick up my pace. I bolt into class and plop in my seat only to find Vicky isn't here yet. I place the hot cup on her desk and wave my hand around to cool it off.

  The second bell rings and still no sign of her. I frown.

  I stare at the door hoping for her to show up. I haven't seen her at all today. I got a new phone days ago and texted her, but never got replies. Just reads. Finally, she shows up 10 minutes late. She apologizes to the teacher and scans the room. Our eyes lock and I smile and pat the desk next to mine. Her eyes flash with guilt before she takes an empty seat at the front. My face falls.

  Is she avoiding me?

  I whip out my phone and ask her that question. She reads it, but doesn't reply. Typical. Angrily I tell her "fine be that way". Another read. This is aggravating. I tuck my phone into my bag and slump back in my chair with my arms crossed against my chest. No matter how hard I try to avoid looking at her my eyes always gravitate towards her only to see the back of her head. Wow her hair looks amazing today maybe I should go compliment-NO! I have to stay focused I'm mad at her. I have done nothing wrong.

  The bell rings. While I sat alone I was planning a confrontation. I jump out of my seat and grab all my things. I jog towards her desk, but she disappears out of the room with a large crowd of students. I dispose of my empty Starbucks cup and her full one. She owes me $5 for the waste.

  I have one foot out of the door when I'm called back in. Reluctantly I see our teacher with his eye brows raised.

  "Are you alright Ms. Harris?" I bounce on the balls of my feet.

  "No just have some issues I need to clear up with someone," I reply.

  "You weren't paying attention at all in class are you sure-"

  "Yes. I'm fine. I'm sorry I really need to go," I cut him off before exiting the classroom. I hope I didn't come off as rude, but I really need to get to the bottom of this.

  The halls only have a handful of students left. They gradually get their binders and bags and leave. None of them are Vicky. I assume she's in the parking lot, so that's the direction I go in. I pass an empty corridor and suddenly my body is propelled to the side knocking the air out of my lungs.

  "What the hell?" I yell. I bring my elbow to my face to inspect the damage. From the corner of my eye I can see a pair of shoes in front of me. That are connected to legs. My eyes slowly move upwards only to meet the eyes of Bryan.

  I waste no time in glaring at him.

  "What was that for?" He simply shrugs. My lips form a tight line and I place my hands on my hips.

  "That isn't an answer you turd blossom." He sighs and steps closer on me. I take a step back. Is it just me or is this hallway getting smaller?

  "Well forget it. I forgive you. I'm just going to take my things and go," I say while dropping to my hands and knees and gather my things. Once I have everything tucked into my binder and stand up his hand soars through the air and knocks it onto the ground. He sticks his leg out and kicks it behind him.

  "Bryan!" I screech. I feel like I've been in this situation with him a lot. Oh wait I have. This is getting old fast. I cross my arms and hold my head high.

  "Pick them up," I demand. He shakes his head menacingly.

  "No can do princess." I glare at him my eyes never leaving his face once.

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