Chapter 25~ Game Changer

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Am I dead?

I can't move my body and I can't open my eye lids no matter how hard I try. I'm in darkness and can't see anything. But I can hear. People are bustling around me and I can hear the steady tempo of a heart rate monitor. Does that mean I'm still alive?

I hear soft crying, but can't identify who it is. Voices clash over one another and are not distinct. It's so dark. So very dark and cold. I concentrate on moving something. Or anything. If I could move my eyebrows right now, they would be furrowed. I groan in frustration.

All the low mumbles around me stop. I hear a faint whisper. Did my groan of frustration actually come out of my mouth? I make more noises and I hear a rustling. A small voice whispers in my ear.

"Marley? Can you hear me? Make a noise if you can." I recognize that voice. It's definitely masculine and I've known it for a long time. My brain isn't functioning properly at the moment. I make a low grumbling noise.

"Marley. You're alive! The nurses say to rest you will be up soon. Just relax," it soothes and slowly I fall back to sleep.

I don't know how long I've been sleeping for, but when I open my eyes they are bombarded by a bright light.

I raise my hand to shield my eyes. "Will someone turn that light off?"

I look down and see I'm wearing a hospital gown. Why am I in the hospital? The memories of the car crash come flooding back.

I hear a chuckle from across the room snapping me out of my thoughts. Wait a minute. I can see and think properly! I sit up and instantly regret that decision because I feel dizzy. My arm shoots down to steady myself.

"Easy there tiger," the same male voice from before says. I look at him and my heart drops. I wasn't expecting to see him here or ever again.

"Hi Jace," I mumble weakly. My throat burns from saying those two words.

"Sorry that I can't turn off the sun. It doesn't come with a switch." He walks over to the curtains and pulls them shut. I sit speechless.

"I bet you're wondering why I'm here," he says. I nod. My throat is so dry and it hurts to talk.

"Before we do anything I need two things. One water and two the bathroom," I say while pushing myself up. My head hurts and I feel like passing out. My body sways in place. Jace steadies me by placing one hand on my back and the other on my arm.

"Whoa there. You might want to go easy. You've been unconscious for three days."

"Three days!" I screech in a raspy voice. He helps me to the bathroom.

"I don't think you need any help in there. I hope you still know how to work your body," he says with a wink. "I will go get a nurse and some water. I'll be right back."

I do my business and wash my hands. Why is he suddenly being so nice to me? Weeks ago he didn't even want to look at me because I disgusted him so much.

I exit the bathroom and see a plate of hospital food and a glass of water on a tray in front of the bed. I gulp down the water and wipe the back of my hand on my sleeve. That feels so much better.

"You should eat. You haven't eaten properly for three days," instructs Jace who walks in with a nurse.

"Hi Ms. Harris. I just came to see how you are."

I wave my hand dismissively. "I'm fine thank you."

"Okay. But first is your body working fine?"

I press my thumb to each of my fingers and wiggle my toes. "Yes. Everything seems fine."

"Do you remember your name?"

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