"Don't forget me, Bonnie."
"Who are you?" She cried out to the stranger in black. He'd haunted her dreams for at least a month now, and even for a teenage witch, she knew that it wasn't a coincidence.
"Don't forget me." His voice sounded like the water in a lake; calm and beautiful. And then the add the English accent which shot it all the way up to smoking hot on a thermometer.
"Tell me your name," Bonnie pleaded as she tried to move towards him, but her dream was stubborn, and it refused to let her take a single step.
"You know me," Bonnie could barely make out his weak smile, and she squinted, trying to get a good look at his face. "Just don't forget about me."
"Wait!" She cried and tried to run, but she tripped on thin air and somehow she was falling. She was falling farther and farther away, and she landed in the Grill.
"Bonnie?" Elena asked and spun around to look at her. She was talking to Matt and they both came over to make sure Bonnie was okay. "Where did you come from?"
"This is a dream," Bonnie said and looked around. The Grill looked like, well, it looked like the Mystic Grill. "I know this is a dream. He keeps disappearing."
"Who does?" Matt asked and looked around. He gestured for another waiter to take the tray of used dishes and he kneeled down to help Bonnie. "Bon, what's wrong?"
"Ah!" Both Bonnie and Matt turned to look at Elena who was feeding off a young blond woman. She pulled back and let the body drop to the floor. She wiped the blood from her mouth and turned to Bonnie.
"Don't forget about me," Elena snarled and lunged for Bonnie.
"No!" Bonnie gasped as she jerked upright in her bed.
Her heart pounded hard and she felt cold and hot all over. She felt herself take in a sharp breath as she scooted to the edge of the bed. She looked up and squinted into the darkness, the light on her digital clock blurry from the sleep in her eyes. She wiped her face and peered closer.
Four in the morning. On a Thursday morning.Great.
Summer break had just finished, and Bonnie had spent all of it out of Mystic Falls and in Atlanta. Her dad had taken her, but she'd hardly talked to him for the whole trip. Instead, she'd spent it with a guy she'd met. His name was... What was his name? Bonnie sighed. She'd probably dreamt meeting him too. She slipped out of the bed and tugged on her knitted, black sweater. Her Grams house was empty; well of course it was. No one lived there. Bonnie frowned at herself and shook her head as she pulled some jeans over her panties and slipped into her boots. Her hair was probably a complete mess, but who would be out at four o'clock in the morning in Mystic Falls? Vampires and Hyrbids, dummy. Bonnie ignored the nagging voice in her head and stepped outside into the cool, early morning breeze. She took in a deep breath as the wind ruffled her hair and she closed her eyes, leaning against the door-frame.She was tired of this.
She was tired of constantly fearing for her own and her friends lives, she was tired of feeling alone.
She was tired of being a witch, and she was most definitely tired of living in Mystic Falls.
Although she might not remember who she'd been spending time with a few months ago, she knew that she'd had fun. And Bonnie missed that. She heard something rustle in the trees besides the house, and she opened her eyes to look over into the darkness. She refused to take another step over the threshold. She wasn't that stupid. Bonnie kept her eyes on the tree for another few moments before sighing and stepping backwards, closing the door. She slid the dead-bolt back in place and stared down at her hands. One more year. One more year and then she would finish high-school, and she could get the hell out of this town. She glanced out the window and something caught her attention. A shadow was running across the road. Wait, was that coming from her house? She squinted as she tilted her head to the side, silently watching the silhouette leave, and then he was gone. Bonnie felt herself scoff and she shook her head.
Of course a vampire had been watching her.
She stared out the window, biting her bottom lip. She could find out who was watching her tomorrow, but right now, she had nothing better to do than sleep.

Captured Hearts [Vampire Diaries]
FanfictionThe Vampire Diaries. Kol and Bonnie. Bonnie Bennett is a witch. Kol Mikaelson is an original vampire. Together, they are chaos.