“Put me down!”
Kol came to a screeching halt and Bonnie sprawled out of his arms. He managed to catch her arm before she tripped and fell to the ground. She shook her arm free and shoved him away, moving backwards. “I think that it’s safe to say that you’re sober now.”
“Shut up!” Bonnie put her hands to her head and looked around. The dark sky was lit up with golden lights and tall buildings. “Oh no. Oh no, no, no.” She repeated as she turned around in circles. “Where are we?”
“You told me that you didn’t want to go home,” Kol shrugged and pulled off his bow tie. He smiled and took in a breath as he glanced around.
“I didn’t mean that I wanted you to take me out of Mystic Falls!” Bonnie yelled and put a hand to her mouth. “This is abduction!”
“Now you’re being overdramatic,” Kol looked back to her, and his smirk twisted into a growl of agony. He put his hands to the side of his head, trying to stop the feeling of his skull being torn apart. He sunk to his knees and groaned in pain as he stared up at Bonnie.
“Take. Me Home.” She demanded as she slowly clenched her fist, her magic increasing with each second.
“Bon..nie,” Kol struggled to get the sound out.
“Take me home, Kol!”
“It’s two in the morning,” Kol wheezed and gritted his teeth together. “I’ll take you back tomorrow.”
Bonnie’s magic faltered and weakened and she took a step back.
“I want to go home now.”
“It’s late and you’re exhausted. My brain is shattered and I am bleeding internally,” Kol pulled his shaky and unstable body up with the support of the nearby lamppost. “Rent a room here, sleep, and I will take you back tomorrow morning. I promise.”
Bonnie let the spell drop and she took a few steps backwards, letting her eyes fall to the floor. Her hair had come loose and her dress had began to feel heavy. “Fine,” She snapped, and looked back up at him. “As soon as I wake up, we’re leaving.”
“Unless you beg for me to let you stay longer,” Kol smirked and wiped something from his bottom lip.
“Stop that,” Bonnie narrowed her eyes at him.
“Stop what?”
“Stop with the flirting and your playful little comments.”
“So you picked up on that?”
Bonnie stared at him and folded her arms over her chest. “Can we please get off the streets?”
“But the streets of Chicago are so beautiful. Don’t you agree?”
“Chicago?” Bonnie exclaimed. “That’s where you took me?”
“How about we see to that hotel room?” Kol offered his arm to Bonnie, smiling smugly down at her. She stared down at it, and looked back up at Kol. She ignored him and started walking.
“Where is it?”
Kol sighed and let his arm drop to his side. “I’d advise you to keep a good grip on your shoes.”
Before Bonnie even had the time to register what Kol had meant, she was in his arms again and smudges of light replaced the bright decorations of Chicago.
God. She really hated when he did that.

Captured Hearts [Vampire Diaries]
FanfictionThe Vampire Diaries. Kol and Bonnie. Bonnie Bennett is a witch. Kol Mikaelson is an original vampire. Together, they are chaos.