In normal teenage girls, when a mood-swing would come, they would grouch and complain and
be as grumpy as hell until the shadow of evil passed. But when Bonnie Bennett experienced her mood-swings, she didn't grouch, complain and grump around. Much. No, being a witch meant that your hormones went into overdrive, kicking the magic in your system all over the place. Which resulted in waking up early. In your bed. That was set on fire. Bonnie yelped as she jumped up in the bed, kicking at the sheets that had caught alight. It took her a full ten seconds to use her magic to put the fire out, and she let her head fall back against the wall with a sigh.
The past week had been hectic, and she had hardly had any time to prepare for school that was quickly approaching her with every passing second. She'd been staying at home with her father. It wasn't like he was prepared to let her leave, anyway. She had after-all, taken off in the middle of the night and left Mystic Falls for a few weeks without any warning. Whatsoever. There was a part of Bonnie that was proud of her father. He hadn't been around for that long, but she already felt like he was trying to take control over everything. Take control over her. But the way he was treating her, watching over her was making her realise that he really did want to make this relationship work.
And there was a small part inside the witch that made her understand that she wanted the same thing.
By noon on the fifth day Bonnie had been back in Mystic Falls, she hadn't had one call from the man she had spent her couple weeks with. She waited for the phone, ignoring calls from Elena and Caroline, and even Jeremy and Matt. She didn't want to talk to any of them right now.
Kol was the only one that mattered. The days past, and on the tenth day since Bonnie had been back, she started to lose hope. Had she done something wrong? It certainly didn't seem like it the last time she was with Kol. She could remember the way Kol's hands felt against her bare skin, the way he held her and the way he seemed so unsure of what to do. It was almost as if he was nervous, and hadn't expected what happened to happen at all. That was what hurt Bonnie the most. She was so sure that she was right about him. She had waited and waited and pushed him away, and the moment she had let him in, he had taken off straight away.
Maybe Bonnie should have expected it. It happened with every guy she liked. She fell for a vampire that was only using her for her magic and to get to Elena. She fell for Luka, who wanted her to help save Elijah, and once again use her for her magic. And then there was Jeremy. Jeremy Gilbert.
Just when she thought that she might actually work things out with this guy, she heard that he was kissing Anna's ghost in the Mystic Grill bathroom. So poof. There went her love-life out the window.
What made Kol any different? Maybe it wasn't the guys after all.
Maybe it was Bonnie herself.Maybe she was some type of bad-luck charm that would never find her love. She envied Elena then, and she even envied Caroline. Both of them beautiful and happy in their own relationships. Why couldn't she be like them? Her thoughts were pushed away from her head when the phone rang, and a surge of excitement ran through Bonnie. But it faded when her eyes ran over the called I.D.
"Elena?" She sighed into the phone speaker.
"Bonnie!" It was Caroline who had Elena's mobile, but Bonnie could hear talking in the background. "Where have you been? We've been trying to call you for a week now!"
"I know," Bonnie mumbled. "I just, didn't really feel like coming out. That's all."
"Bonn?" Matt. "Come meet us at the Grill?"
"Yeah," Elena piped in. "It'll be fun; just like old times. You, me, Caroline, Matt and Tyler."
"That sounds great," Bonnie started slowly as she sank back onto the couch. She twisted a curled lock of dark hair around her finger. "I'm just not in the mood."
"When will you be in the mood, Bonnie?" Caroline asked. "We miss you."
"I know. I miss you guys too. I'll come out tomorrow, okay?"
"And you'll tell us what happened, right?"
"I. . I don't really want to talk about it."
"Bonnie -" Elena cut in. "You have to eventually."
"No, Elena. I don't. I don't want to talk about it. It was a mistake, that's all."
She brought the phone away from her ear, the sounds of her friends voices fading away.
A soft sigh escaped from her lips as she let the call end, and she snuggled against a pillow.
Her bedroom door opening caused her to jolt up and she stared after the sound for a few several seconds. Slowly, she pushed the blanket off her body and let her feet touch the cold, wood floor.
"Who's there?" Bonnie asked, keeping her voice firm. She heard her bed squeak and she took in a
breath as she let her magic rise through her flesh. The lights started to flicker, the furniture started to rattle and the air around her picked up into tiny cyclones. The sound of her breaths seemed to vibrate through the walls and the floor, and Bonnie could feel the coldness of the wood beneath her feet causing her toes to grow numb. She shoved open the bedroom door, her hand raised and prepared for an aneurysm. Her hazel eyes scanned over the closed window, the steady furniture and the tidy room. Her bed was untouched. Bonnie's eyebrows knitted together in confusion and she took a few more steps into the room. "I know you're here," Bonnie continued. She had heard something. She wasn't going crazy.
But the room was empty, and there wasn't anything in it. She pushed open the door to her bathroom, and she yanked on the doors on her wardrobe. Nothing. She cleared her throat and took a few steps back, and as Bonnie began to turn, she felt hot breath on her shoulder. She bit her bottom lip, and went on pretending as if she hadn't felt anything at all.
And then with a loud battle cry, she spun around. Her fist flailing in the air as it made contact with... Nothing. She felt tears sting in her eyes as she stared out to the empty space of her bedroom, her eyes staring through the open door. Bonnie put a hand to her forehead as she blinked back unwanted tears. She was going crazy. Finally, after everything that had happened, she was seeing things, hearing things. Feeling things.
Bonnie Bennett had gone completely out of her mind.
She shook her head at herself, and started her walk of shame out of the door.
Maybe it was time. Call Elena, Caroline. Matt. Anyone.
Bonnie needed someone to talk to, and she was pushing away everyone that cared about her.
That was it. She wasn't prepared to throw herself away because of one guy.
That wasn't the Bonnie Bennett she was raised to be. Bonnie stopped and turned, walking back into her room. No, no. She was strong. This wasn't her.
Shower and get yourself dressed. Pull yourself together, Bonnie.
She grabbed for the hairbrush on her bedside table when she heard the phone ring. She paused and stared out her open door. Slowly, she put the brush down and made her way out of the room.
Her back hit the wall with a violent thud, and she barley had the time to react as the air from her stomach left her body, leaving her gasping for breath.
Bonnie looked up, her heart racing as she saw muddy-red eyes and glistening fangs snarling down at her. His face was covered in scratches and blood, his clothes torn to shreds, and it looked like he had just crawled out of the pit of fiery hell. That wasn't even the worst part.
He was trying to kill her.

Captured Hearts [Vampire Diaries]
FanficThe Vampire Diaries. Kol and Bonnie. Bonnie Bennett is a witch. Kol Mikaelson is an original vampire. Together, they are chaos.