Chapter Thirteen

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"I was hoping that you would choose somewhere that wasn't as public as the Mystic Grill."

"You suggested it, Kol," Bonnie rolled her eyes as she pushed open the heavy doors to the local hot-spot; the smell of fresh coffee beans instantly wafting around her. Kol hesitated outside, and the witch raised an eyebrow at him as she held the door open. He looked down at her and sighed slightly, stepping into the Grill. Just like always, the Mystic Grill was bustling with locals and tourists passing through. Bonnie smiled and waved at Matt Donovan as he passed by her, holding a tray of salt and pepper shakers. The blond waved back as he shifted a tray onto his other hand. He glanced behind her and frowned before looking back to Bonnie. He gave her a look of confusion and turned back to walk towards the bar, casting small looks over his shoulder as he did.

"What's with Matt?" Bonnie asked, and when she got no answer, she turned to look at Kol. His face was hidden behind a menu, and he shifted his body weight so he leant behind Bonnie. "Kol?"

"What?" He looked over the menu and raised an eyebrow. Bonnie smiled slightly as she looked him up and down. Slowly, he lowered the menu.

"Are you alright?" She asked him as she held back a smile.

"Sensational," Kol looked around the Grill and licked his bottom lip nervously. "You know, this place seems a little too crowded. I think we should head out."

"Wait, what? Kol, are you serious?" Bonnie reached out for his hand and pulled him back. "Please?" He looked down at her, his dark brown eyes staring into pools of perfectly green hazel. Finally he shrugged softly and nodded. "Alright. Come with me." Kol didn't actually give her a chance, he grabbed her hand and dragged her along to one of the booths in the very back of the room. People stared at them as they passed. Bonnie glanced at them and tried to avoid eye-contact. He pushed her down into the booth, and Bonnie landed on her rear with an 'oof'. Kol slid in in front of her, immediately picking up the menu and placing it in front of his face again. Bonnie watched him silently, her feelings slowly aching. "Kol?" She asked quietly. "Are you ashamed to be seen with me?"

"No - I.. Why would you say that?" He asked behind the menu.

"You're holding a plastic sheet of paper in front of your face. It's like you're hiding."

"Maybe I'm hungry."

"Maybe I should just leave?"

"No!" Kol blurted and he dropped the menu to reach over, grabbing her hand. Bonnie raised an eyebrow and looked up at him with wide-eyes.

"Well, Jesus Christ, Kol!" She said through gritted teeth. "I would appreciate it if you would make up your mind already. You want to kiss me, you don't want to kiss me. You want to be with me, you don't want to be with me. You're like some carnival ride."

"Carnivals are fun, right?"

"You know what? This was a waste of time."

"Wait, Bonnie," Kol sighed and pushed the menu away, smiling weakly down at her. "It's not you."

"Then what's your problem?"

"I'm just a little anxious, that's all."

"About what?"

Kol glanced down towards the bar, and his eyes stuck on somebody. Bonnie followed the direction on where he was looking and raised an eyebrow. Damon Salvatore was watching them with a small frown on his lips. Matt stood behind him, leaning against the bar. He was watching them too, drying a glass covered in suds. Kol muttered something under his breath and he turned back to look at Bonnie with wide eyes. He glanced back at the two guys before standing up.

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