Chapter Ten

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"They taste horrible."

"Don't make me smack you again." Kol smiled and flipped the windscreen wipers on, flicking rain water off the glass. Bonnie sighed and leant back in the car seat, taking small bites from her peanut butter cup. "I can't believe that you don't like peanut butter cups."

"I don't like peanut butter."

Bonnie's mouth dropped, and she twisted in her seat so she could look at him. She smacked the back of his head and he jerked forward, laughing. "What is that matter with you?" She demanded. "What type of person doesn't like peanut butter?"

"I don't know. Someone that is allergic to it?"

"You're allergic to peanut butter?"

"I don't think so," Kol shrugged and smirked at her, settling back in his seat. "I've never tried it until now."

"Because you don't know how to live," Bonnie mumbled as she turned back around, placing her feet on the dashboard and taking another bite out of the chocolaty goodness. She looked out the window, watching as the land around her was pounded by hard-falling rain. "Where are we?"

"A few hours out of Chicago," Kol's voice was low and husky, and he cleared his throat.

"Are you tired or something? We can stop at a breakfast and bed if you want?"

"No," Kol shook his head. "I'm fine."

"Driving when tired causes more car accidents than drink driving, you know?"

Kol sighed, "For humans, yes. Vampires, no."

"Okay," she shrugged. "Whatever you say."

"Bonnie," Kol started slowly, but he kept his eyes fixed on the road. "I want to talk about what happened back in Chicago."

"I need the bathroom," Bonnie said quickly, changing the subject.

Kol glanced over at her, and eyebrow cocked. "What?"

"Yeah," she nodded and squeezed her legs together. "Can we stop? Please?" Kol gave her a look that made her feel sick inside, and with a soft growl of irritation he pressed his foot to the pedal, speeding down the empty road. Just as she opened her mouth to protest, she saw a petrol station in the distance. She glanced to the side at him, but his his were set in front. His teeth were clenched tightly together, and he gripped onto the steering wheel with so much force, Bonnie was afraid that he might crush it. She hadn't made him that angry, had she? Kol pulled into the station, and he let the car roll to a stop. He switched off the ignition and leant back, not uttering a single word. Bonnie watched him for a few long heartbeats, and she finally swallowed and unbuckled her belt.

"I'll be right back," she said hastily and bailed out of the car, heading towards the small shack that read 'TOILET' in fading paint. She glanced over her shoulder, and she was half expecting Kol to leave her. He didn't. He remained still in the car, staring out at nothing. Bonnie bit her bottom lip and pushed open the door, stepping into the bathroom. She groaned in disgust and put a hand over her nose at the smell of sewage. "Uhg, that's disgusting," she complained and stood by the sinks. She considered going out, but she couldn't face Kol again. Not just yet. After a minute, she dropped her hand and looked in the mirror. She took a deep breath, and looked down, turning on the faucet. "Okay, Bonnie. Just talk to him. Tell him how you feel. Don't be a chicken." 

She heard a soft chuckle behind her and she turned. Her body hit the wall with a loud thump, and she yelled in pain as hands wrapped around her throat. Bonnie choked and coughed and she tried screaming when a powder was pressed to her nose. "You've been a bad witch," the man hissed, but he was smiling. He grinned, showing fangs. "Klaus has been looking for you."

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