The world stopped as Bonnie turned, watching the wooden stake pierce Kol’s chest and digging into his heart. She screamed and ran towards him, shoving the hybrid out of the way. “No!” She cried, tears streaming down her face. “No, no, no. Kol, open your eyes. You’re not dead!” But Kol’s face was blank and empty, slowly greying as his body dissipated. She looked down at the stake poking from his chest, and a suppressed cry escaped from her lips. “Please,” She whispered. She heard something move behind her, and she clenched her teeth as she pushed herself off the ground. “You killed him!” Bonnie snapped.
The hybrid was still sitting on top of the car, his eyes glowing gold. She hadn’t seen him before. Most likely one of Klaus’s new recruits. “Killed Kol?” The hybrid smiled and shook his head. “He’s an Or–”
“You killed him!” She screamed, and watched as the hybrid hissed in pain and put his hands to his head. He rolled off the car, crashing into the cement road with a loud thud. He cried out in agony and began to rock back and forth.
"You don’t - understand,” He managed to choke between ragged breaths. “I was following an order!"
“From who?”
“Kla–us.” Bonnie’s magic didn’t stop. Her expression boiled in her veins, spreading throughout her entire body. The hybrid on his knees screamed and gasped in torment, and his face grew a pale shade of grey. “Please!” He shouted, his words cutting off at the ends. “St-” The hybrid stopped moving, the grey from his face moving down his entire body. Bonnie’s nose dripped with dark blood as the hybrid slowly started to turn to stone. She took in a tattered breath, everything in her body draining from the use of her magic. She could hear the sound of the rock cracking, and she forced herself to look away when the stone fell back onto the road. The rock shattered into millions of pieces and turned to dust; dancing away in the wind. Bonnie looked back, the body gone. She wiped at her nose, wet blood rubbing onto her hand. She looked back down at Kol, as if she were expecting him to jump up at the smell of her blood. But he didn't. She slowly let herself move down to her knees, and she leant over Kol's body."Kol?" She whispered. She waited silently, not bothering to push the dark hair that blew into her eyes. "Kol, I am so sorry. This is my fault. I knew - it never works out for people like me."
But it was true, it never did work out for Bonnie. Every guy that she had gotten close to, and even possibly loved, either died, turned out to be working for the vampire she was working against, or didn't want her. And when she first laid eyes on Kol, she knew that there was something different about him.
Because he was different. He was a vampire. And Bonnie had been selfish. If she were to fall in love with a vampire, and that same vampire were to fall in love with her, where would he go?
He wouldn't die for a start, so Bonnie wouldn't have to worry about whether he was safe every single second that she wasn't with him. She wouldn't have to worry that someone was out to get the man she loved, all because Bonnie Bennett had cast a spell that someone hadn't liked.
Because if she were to date a vampire, he would be able to take care of himself when she wasn't around. Bonnie pushed herself off the cold, rock road, ignoring the sound of her knees creaking as she stood. Her mobile felt heavy and thick in her hands, but she forced her shaking hands to scroll through her contacts list. Her thumb hovered over the number that she had never decided to delete.
She pressed the phone to her ear.
"Elijah?" Bonnie whispered. "You - You and Kol, you're close right? Because, I mean, he's working for Klaus, and you're Klaus's brother so that would have to mean that you two -"
"Yes, Bonnie," Elijah replied. It was weird for the witch to be talking to him, he was the reason that her mother was a vampire after all. It was a shame. Bonnie might have grown to like him. "What's wrong? Has he hurt you?"

Captured Hearts [Vampire Diaries]
FanfictionThe Vampire Diaries. Kol and Bonnie. Bonnie Bennett is a witch. Kol Mikaelson is an original vampire. Together, they are chaos.