Girl Meets Mom Knows

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I ran as fast and my little legs could take me. I faintly heard my name being called behind me. I assumed it was Lucas but I didnt look back to see. I didnt care. What I cared about is my mom.

After running about 3 miles I finally reached my apartment building. I was put if breath so I took the elevator to my floor. I slowly walked out of the elevator to my apartment to see boxes outside my door. All the boxes were labeled "Maya." No No No No. This cant be happening. I knocked on the door and waited for an answer. Wait why am I knocking? I have a key. I slid my key into the keyhole but it didn't fit. This isnt happening. I banged my fist on the door hoping my mom would answer.

"Mom please, open the door!" I shouted still banging on the door. I did this for a couple minutes and tears starting to fall from my eyes. I stopped when I noticed two peices of paper have been slid under the door towards me. I picked up the papers to see one was a note and the other was my sonogram picture. I read the note:


I came home this morning after you left to find a sonogram picture with your information on it which can only mean that you're pregnant. Maya I can not be responsible for a pregnant teenager. I loved you with all of me and I gave up my life for you. Now I realize that I shouldnt have done that because you would do the same thing that I did. You ruined you're life Maya. And I can't stand around and watch it happen. All of your things were packed and are in these boxes. I hope everything works out for you. Good luck.


Tears were now streaming down my face. I cant believe this is happening to me. My own mother is kicking me out. She is such a hypocrite. She got pregnant at 17 and lived her life as any teenager would but now that I'm pregnant at 17 she decided that I should be kicked out. I thought of all people my mom would be the most understanding. I knew that when I told my mom that she would be mad, but I never thought she would kick me out. I placed my hand on my stomach and sat on the ground. I could never imagine leaving my child, my flesh and blood out to fend for themselves while they are a pregnant teenager. Maybe this is how my life is supposed to be. Maybe my life is supposed to be over before it even begins.

"Maya." I heard a soft voice. I looked up to see Lucas. I stood up and hugged him so tight. I felt him rubbing my back and my hair. I cried into his shoulder leaving his shirt soaking wet. I pulled away and looked into his eyes.

"What happened?" He asked. I couldnt speak. There was nothing to say. I handed him the note from my mom. As he was reading it, an expression of anger spread across her face. He crumbled the note and threw in down. He stormed past me and started banging on the door.

"It no use. She isnt going to answer." I said wiping away a tear.

"Maya this isnt okay!" He screamed. I cried more.

"Lucas. Where am I going to go?" I asked.

"You can come to stay at my house." He responded

"I can't do that. You're parents don't even know about the baby. And we don't know how they are going to react. This isnt how we should tell them."


"Lucas. Stop. I'll find somewhere else to go."


"I don't know. I'll think about it while you help me load these boxes in my car."

I walked over and grabbed a box that was way to heavy for me to hold. I almost fell trying to hold on to the box when Lucas came over and grabbed it from me.

"Stay here. I'll load the boxes. We can't risk you falling." He said

"I'm fine. I can carry light boxes." I said

"No. Maya please." He said clearly aggravated and practically begging me no to. I put my hands up defensively and walked backwards until I reached the wall. I sat down leaning against the wall. Lucas walked out with a few boxes and made several trips. After he grabbed the last few boxes, he motioned for me to follow him. I stood up and looked down at my stomach and said quietly,

"No matter what happens. I'm always going to love you."

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