Girl Meets Face to Face

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34 weeks pregnant 

Its been two weeks since I left Lucas and the rest of my friends and family. They are all still trying to reach me but I continue to ignore them. As my due date gets closer and closer I really wish Lucas was by my side helping me prepare. Today I have a doctors appointment just to check and make sure the baby is healthy and everything is okay. 

I still haven't heard from Lucas' dad about the place he has for me which is concerning me and starting to make believe this is all a scam and I left Lucas for no reason. I finished up doing my hair and makeup and got ready to leave. 

"Are you sure you still want to come with me? I don't want to make you feel awkward or upset or anything." 

"Maya, I'm coming with you. I've been through this and I know its not easy to do it alone. And even though my pregnancy didn't go as planned, I want nothing but the best for you and your daughter and I will support you in anyway you need." 

"Chloe, again I am so sorry. It isn't fair." I said as my eyes water. I got up and wrapped Chloe in a hug as she cried into my shoulder. 

Chloe gave birth to her baby girl Lucy five months ago, but the baby was stillborn. Chloe later went into to depression feeling it was all her fault because she said she never wanted to have the baby, but the truth of the matter is that Chloe had a healthy and normal pregnancy and didn't do anything wrong. Chloe carried Lucy full term and after giving birth they let her hold her. Chloe had a proper funeral for her that only consisted of a few close friends and family. 

When I first called Chloe and asked her to pick me up I had no idea about Lucy. I instantly regretted my decision to stay with Chloe because I felt seeing me pregnant with my daughter would make Chloe upset and depressed, but Chloe insisted I stay. 

We pulled apart and I wiped away her tears with my thumb and fixed her makeup. I can't even begin to imagine how painful this has been for Chloe. They thought of losing my daughter makes me sick to my stomach. 

Chloe insist on coming to my doctors appointment today but I'm worried shes going to feel uncomfortable and upset. 

As we were walking out of the door my phone buzzed with a reminder. 

Doctors appointment 11am 

I clicked the 'x' and walked to the car. Chloe drove and we were at the doctors office in about 15 minutes. 

As Chloe parked the car I noticed she was a little hesitant to walk into the office. 

"Are you sure about this? I can go alone really its no big deal." I said "I know you want to come to support me but I would never make you do this if you feel uncomfortable and I will not be mad or upset if you decide not to come in, I know this is really hard for you." 

She looked at me with tears welling in her eyes, "I can't go in there Maya, I'm sorry." 

"Chloe thats fine, why don't you drive around a little bit and I'll text you when I'm finished?" I said and she shook her head yes. I unbuckled my seat belt and climbed out of the car. 

"Maya." I turned my head at Chloe, "Thank you for being a really supportive friend." I smiled and ran to the drivers side of the car. She opened the door and I hugged her. 

"Right back at you Chlo." I said and smiled. I pulled away and waved as I walked towards to door.

Once I arrived the correct floor I sat down and waited. Only 2 more months until my baby girl will be here. I stroked circles on my baby bump and felt my little girl kick. 

"Maya" A nurse called. I grabbed my bag  and stood up. I followed her to the back room. 

"The doctor will be right with you." She said before exiting the room. I sat there and swung my legs back and forth until the doctor came in. 

"Hi Maya how are you?" She asks 

"I'm good." I smiled back. Although in reality, I am not good. 

I laid back and rolled up my shirt to reveal my bare baby bump which has gotten even bigger in such a short period of time. 

"Will Lucas be joining us today?" She asked as she squirted gel on my stomach 

"Um no I don-" I started 

"Yes he is" Lucas said as he walked through the door. I am shocked. What is he doing here? How did he know I was going to be here? So many questions and thoughts are running through my head right now.

Lucas grabbed the chair sitting next to me and sat down. His eyes are glued to screen so he must not believe me when I told him he is not the father of my baby, but he actually is. 

"Well everything looks good and you should go into labor in about 6 weeks possibly earlier." The doctor said as she wiped the gel of my stomach and printed pictures for us. I sat up and rolled my shirt back down. 

"I would you to come back in 4 weeks just so we can do one final check-up before she gets here." The doctor says

"Thank you so much." I said standing up. The doctor nods and then there is just Lucas and I. I don't know what to do. Should I run? Should I stay? I honestly have no idea. 

"Maya can we please talk?" Lucas pleads 

I hesitate before answering. I know whats best for Lucas is to leave and never see him again but then I start to think about me. I need Lucas. 

"Um sure, do you maybe want to go get some lunch and talk things over?" I suggest. He nods and we leave the doctors office. 

I text Chloe saying Lucas showed up and we are going to talk. A few seconds later she responds, 

Good Luck

I hop in the passenger seat of Lucas' car and he drives to a restaurant nearby. The car ride is awkward and silent. I'm sitting here wondering what I am going to say. A million excuses and lies instantly pop into my head and I try to pick the best ones to tell him, but in the end I know what I want and what I have to do.

 I have to tell Lucas the truth. 

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