Girl Meets Birth Part One

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Its finally that time. In a matter or minutes or hours I could have my little girl in my arms. Shes going to be here and I'm going to be a mom. Motherhood. Its scary.

My doctor got everything set up. Riley held one of my legs and the Lucas held the other with the help of a nurse so he could also hold my hand.

"Alright Maya were ready to go. When the next contraction comes in about 45 seconds I'm going to need you to start pushing." The doctor said

"Okay babe, you can do this." Lucas said and before you knew it, those 45 seconds were up and I pushed.

"C'mon Maya push, push, push." Riley cheered.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh." I screamed after about 10 seconds of pushing I slammed my head back. I'm already tired and this just started. I'm already defeated thinking I can't do this.

"Alright Maya here we go again, 1, 2, 3."


I started to sweat and I started to cry. No matter how many classes and books you read nothing compares to the real thing. Its raw and painful. More painful than anything you've ever imagined.

I pushed and I pushed and I pushed for about a half hour and the doctor said we weren't even close. They couldn't even see the head. Everything was going slow. The pregnancy, the labor and now the birth.

I looked over at Riley and then at Lucas. They both just gave me a sympathetic looks. I scoffed at both of them.

"C'mon Maya, push your almost there."

"Liaaaaarrrrrrrr." I said as another contraction hit me and I began to push.

And we repeated this process for another half hour. And still, nothing. Nothing. I'm starting to think theres no baby even in there.

I am now drenched in sweat and tears and my voice is hoarse from screaming. Each contraction gets worse and each push gets shorter. I'm tired. I've been awake and in pain for over 36 hours. It hard for me to keep my eyes open. I closed my eyes and leaned my head back.

"Maya wake up." Lucas said just loud enough for me to hear. Just as I opened my eyes another contraction came.

"Oh my god." I screamed and once I stopped pushing I was out of breath.

Another contraction came and as I pushed I heard Lucas say,

"C'mon Maya, youre doing so good. You can do this."

I let out a deep breath and turned my head towards him.

"You. You did this to meeeeeee." I screamed as another contraction hit.

"You did this to me." I cried. Tears poured out of my eyes.

"I know baby and i if I could switch places with you I would but I can't and you are doing so good!" He said but by now I was hysterical.

"Alright Maya. We are getting there." The doctor said.

"No we aren't. I can't do this. I'm too weak and I'm too tired." I cried

"Listen to me Maya, you can do this. You're the strongest person I know. If anyone can do this its you and I am not going to let you stop until that beautiful baby girl is in your arms. Now, push." Riley said.

I took everything I had in me and I pushed and I pushed even harder.

"Good girl Maya. We can see her." The doctor said. That gave me hope. Hope that I can do this. And I smiled.

I looked over at Lucas.

"I can do this." I said

"I know you can baby. Now bring our beautiful baby girl into this world." He kissed my hand.

I gripped his hand and pushed and pushed and pushed.

Another half hour has past.

Remember how I said I can do this? Well thats gone.

"Are you sure you can't see her? I think you need to get your eyes checked!" I said breathing very heavily.

"'Maya some babies position themselves higher than others and your little girl is being very stubborn." The doctor said

"Just like her mother." Lucas mumbled

"Not funny." I snapped at him. Lucas laughed.

"I'm not sure why your laughing because as far as I'm concerned there is nothing funny about what I am going through right now." I cried

"I'm sorry sweetie, I know you are so much pain and you are doing so good I am so proud of you."

"Alright Maya here comes another contraction."

"God Damnit Lucas why did you do this to me." I screamed.

"Guys I can't do this anymore." I cried wiping my tears and sweat away.

"Maya. You got this. Push that baby out before I yank it out myself." Riley said and for the first time in her life she was serious and I was scared of her. I've never seen her like this so when that next contraction came I pushed the hardest I could. As I slammed my head back on the pillow I heard the door open and someone entered the room,

"Is there a baby yet?"

A/N: short but (hopefully) good chapter! Who do you guys think is there?

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