Ah Hell

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I took in the brilliant shade as I slowly let go and backed away.

"Now,Ro, don't do anything rash." I said. Trying to calm her. Sadly I still hadn't learned my lesson.

"DON'T DO ANYTHING RASH?!?! You mean 'rash' like chasing after a bloody rat leaving your fiancée and three year old daughter? Or do you mean rash like killing you?"

I glanced toward Remus in fear to discover he had already ran out of the room knowing how she was when angry.

"Or, do you mean 'rash' like leaving me alone?" Her voice broke in raw agony on the last word causing me to feel as if I had been stabbed through the heart.

I quickly grabbed her in a tight hug and felt my shirt dampen with her tears as I whispered calming words in her ears while being completely horrified with myself.

I knew how she felt being alone, I knew the nightmares she got when I was gone one night to help Remus, never mind 14 years. Fuck I'm a moron.

I felt her ripped out of my arms and looked up at who took her from me and I was met with shockingly familiar hazel eyes that looked at me for half a second, just long enough to recognize him as James Potter. How the hell...?

I wasn't given the chance to ask as I turned to look at the one who had dragged me away and was shocked to see another familiar face.


"It's Potter, Black. I thought we talked about this?"

"How the hell-?!"

"It's a long story. Basically, we ran away with Ro and Delilah."

I heard Remus's voice from the door way, quiet from shock.

"Delilah is alive?"

Lily smiled sadly at him indicating the answer. You could see his face light up, and then fall.

"How do I know you're telling the truth?"

"Because it's me Remus. I'd never lie to you."

"How can we trust you?"

Lily gave us an exasperated look before changing into her animagus form, a doe, then transformed back. "Believe me now?"

"Holy shit..." Remus whispered to himself and I couldn't help but agree with him. This was crazy.

Today started with my fiancée coming back then my best friend and his wife rose from the perceived dead.

Holy shit. 

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