Full Moon

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After the game there was a huge after party. Which was going pretty smoothly until someone snuck in the fire whisky, and though James and Sirius had pulled the same stunt when they were kids, they were the first to blow up about it. Lily and Rose were surprised at the maturity level of their two boys and the pride they felt showed clearly on their faces. That was the only complication of the night. The rest of the party went smoothly. Until, that is, the marauders suddenly realized as a collective group that it was the night of the full moon.

The next ten minutes were a blur as the marauders were getting their furry buddies out of the common room door. They all ran quickly to the Shrieking Shack. They reached it with some time to spare so the couples changed into their animagus. Except for one. Remus and Delilah were cuddling together knowing that once the moon rose they would have a fight for dominance. They sat like that for a little while before they both cried out in pain simultaneously and quickly pulled away from each other pain in their eyes from doing so but knowing it was necessary.

Remus whispered "I love you" before collapsing. Delilah didn't have time to reply before she too collapsed.

The marauders waited anxiously waiting for them to wake. They didn't have to wait long before the two werewolves awoke. As soon as they spotted each other the fight for dominance began. The two werewolves fought relentlessly trying to get to the other but the marauders held them apart knowing that they would both die of they somehow hurt the other.

Soon the night was over and though it seemed like a very short time they knew it had been several hours.

That was when they saw the blood. They ran over to Delilah and saw that she was bleeding from her stomach region. Rose and Lily gasped as they grasped what this meant and started crying for they're best friend/sister. They thought about how to tell her the news while the boys stood behind in confusion. They turned to their best mate and saw that he was fine but they didn't have time to realize anything more than that before Delilah cried out in pain. With that single cry Remus was awake and off of the floor. He dropped down beside Delilah and looked to Rose and Lily with cautious eyes before hearing the news that shattered his world.

Lily and Rose looked to each other before saying together the words that would haunt their family forever.

"Remus, she lost the child"

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