"The Best Thing in Hogwarts History"

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The four friends could not believe how long this fight had gone on. It had been a week since Rose and Sirius started fighting. And no one even knew why.

But Sirius had a plan. He had everything figured out. Sirius quickly searched out Delilah and started talking to her about his plan. She agreed rather quickly and the two set off to the Great Hall to prepare for the surprise of a lifetime.

- two hours later-

Rose walked into the Great Hall still fuming on the outside but she was devastated on the inside. She was deeply regretting her fight with Sirius but she was not ready to give in. She was shocked at the sight before her.

All of Hogwarts it seemed had come to the Great Hall to watch this moment. They formed a Simi-circle and standing in the middle, with almost three-dozen roses of all colors, was Sirius Black. He walked slowly to the shocked girl and pulled her to the center of the room. The students and staff closed the circle behind her. She stood in the middle facing Sirius as he pulled her closer to him.

"Rosaline Jane Potter, I have loved you since the day we met though I had no clue what love was at the time. I stand before you now holding 36 roses to prove my love to you. The 14 red roses show how many days I searched for the way to tell you I love you. The 16 yellow roses show how many days I waited to propose to you. The five pink roses show each name we picked out for our two little girls. And the single white rose shows how many times you have crossed my mind. There is only one because when I first met you, you came into my thoughts and never left."

By the end of his speech, every girl in the room was in tears, but the one who was crying the most was Rose herself. She flung herself at Sirius and kissed him once before whispering hurried apologies in his ear. They never planned on losing each other, not now not ever. But oh how life likes to change our plans.

James then announced, "That was the best thing in hogwarts history!"

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