Finding a New Family

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The newly reunited family was about to fall apart again with a simple question that was innocent enough in normal circumstances. but these circumstances were far from normal. With a few simple words, the family would suffer loss like it had not seen in 14 years. But of course, any one who did not know of the situation would have done the same as he.

Sirius asked a simple question that should have never been asked less it destroy what had just been returned to him. "Ro, where are Sarah and Dawn?"

This simple question sent his future wife in to hysterical sobs. He tried to comfort her but Lily held him back while James was comforted her seeing as he was her brother. Seeing a distraught Rose, Sirius wanted to cry as well. But he turned to Lily with a questioning look instead.

With tears about to over flow to the sound of Delilah crying and Rosiline sobbing, Lily began to explain.

"When we had just gone into hiding, James and I were out buying food in a nearby muggle village when death eaters found Rose, Delilah, Sarah, and Dawn. They fought and, I am so very sorry Sirius, but they killed Dawn, and they killed Sarah. I'm so sorry Sirius." Sirius was numb, he couldn't believe it, his two beautiful girls, dead.

With tears now flowing freely down her face, Lily continued," I was pregnant when Voldemort came but by this time I had already had her. Her name was Erin Yara Potter, and they killed her too. None of us have been right since."

Everyone was now in tears thinking of all they had lost. How could anything ever be okay again?


-Sirius- -Three Days Later-

We all waited with baited breath as I stood before the jury waiting on their final decision. With the new evidence, they couldn't possibly convict me. Right?

"We have decided...not guilty!"

We all cheered and screamed while Rose jumped into my arms hugging me tightly as I hugged back, finally happy.


I'm free. This thought kept running through my mind as I ran back home, for once not having to hide. Rose was laughing as were James, Lily, Delilah, and Remus as they walked behind me.

I suddenly turned around and brought Rose into a kiss as I wrapped my hands around her waist, before anything else happened, James growled and said,"She may be your fiancée but she's my sister."

We, all being used to James's antics, rolled our eyes. When we finally got home, Dumbledore himself was standing there.

"I have a great task for you all. The Ministry has required that a ministry official teach Defense Against the Dark Arts this year and I am afraid to think that the class might become more theory than practice. That is where you come in Rosaline. I would like you to teach a practical Defense Against the Dark Arts class, as long as it is not required, I should think that the ministry will not have a problem with it, Professer Mcgonagall has also relented to having an assistant James, seeing as you were top in your class for this particular subject, I would like you to take over this task, Lily, seeing as you were next to only Severus in Potions, I would like for you to help him out, Sirius, you were the best out of your group in charms so I would like for you to help out Filius, Remus I would like for you to help out Hagrid in Care of Magical Creatures since you are the best with animals, and Delilah, I would be delighted for you to help madam Pomphry in the hospital wing."

All of us agreed and Dumbledore clapped excitedly. We all smiled at the thought to returning to the place where we all met, some of the best times of our lives.

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