Chapter 7

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The menacing smile he gave me, made my body shake in fear. The terror was too much for me, but still what scarred me more was Felix behind him.

The stunned expression on his face and the terror on mine, made the ugly demon in front of me turn around to face him. I knew what was coming, so with all the strength I had I got up and shielded Felix.

"He won't hurt me." I said. "He won't hurt me..."

I pleaded my eyes brimming with tears. The demon before me slowly shrinked and his body started deforming. The unbearable sound of bone cracking filled my ears, until a very naked man stood in front of me, with burning red hair covering his butt cheeks. Without uttering a word the newly formed man picked me up and freely carried me outside.

Felix followed us and stopped the man before he walked out the front door.

"Not here, the body you threw out fell exactly on a car outside." Felix growled. "There is a back door."

"Take me to the witch." The man said, his black hollow eyes bored into Felix's.

I still shook violently in his arms, while Felix watched with worried eyes. Never minding my fear I still cling to the safety of the demon. Felix nodded absently and guided us to the back door and out into the open.

We walked over the long dried up dirt lands, until a row of maple trees came to view. I held myself close to the demon, glancing back at the abandoned house that was getting filled with flashing red and blue lights.

"Are you calming down?" The demon asked me.


"I am sorry for frightening you. It was not my intention."

"I know."

The two of us fell into a comfortable silence and my heart beat slowed down. I stopped shaking and loosely continued to keep my arms around the demon. Suddenly he stopped and tensed up. We were being surrounded by hooded figures and my heart dropped into my stomach. If I could strangle this demon I would, but he's still breathing.

Felix shielded us from the hooded figures and his face became expressionless. My sister's dolls show more expressions than he in this moment.

The hooded figures moved, making a passage for us. I downcasted my eyes, avoiding any and all contact with these people. I gripped my demon's neck more and buried my face in it.

"I want to go home." I whispered.

"And you will." A female voice said. "As soon as we erase the kids memory of you ever entering that house."

I peeked through my bangs and saw a really beautiful lady in a wheelchair. She had long black hair and pale brown eyes. She wore a purple laced corset and an amethyst jewel around her slim pale neck. Her cheeks were rosy and ruby red lips were set into a smile.

"Now then, please follow me so I can provide you with some clothes." She said. "You both need a new pair."

That's when I noticed my jeans and shirt were soaked in blood. The pretty lady urged us to follow and so we did. Felix was close behind, and he smiled slightly when he saw me glancing at him. I blushed and averted my gaze.

We stopped in front of a pair of double doors.

"You can put her down here, we promise not to hurt her." The lady said.

"Where she goes, I go." The demon stated, while I just kept clinging like a baby monkey.

The woman nodded reluctantly, Felix's expression grim. The demon put me down onto my trembling feet, while the woman glided across the room in her chair. She opened a few drawers of the night stand, and opened the big wardrobe.

"When you are done changing please come to the main foyer." She placed some fresh clothes on the bed and left the room, pushing Felix outside.

I turned my back to the demon and started undressing. I neatly placed the clothes on the table and picked up the blue garment into my hands. I slipped the soft fabric over my head and pulled my boots back on my feet. Finding a full body length mirror, I watched myself in astonishment.

I was wearing a long sleeved dark blue dress, that reached just above my knees. It was a beautiful dress and I don't remember the last time I had worn one...

"Ready to go?" The demon behind me asked.

He was wearing dark brown pants and a black shirt. He resembled a stable boy from the medieval times.

I nodded my head and the both of us walked back to the main foyer.

A surprise hug and worried Alicia had greeted me. She was crying and hugging me like a mad woman. After a few moments she let me go and wiped her tears.

"I was so worried, are you alright? You didn't get hurt right? I am so going to kill those cheerfuckers."

"Alicia..." I giggled a bit at her exaggerating. "I'm fine... Don't worry."

She nodded and caught my hand in hers, leading me towards a room on the other side. The demon followed close behind.

We entered a living room of some sort and were seated on a velvet cushioned sofa, across from the pretty lady with black hair and Felix. Now I noticed how there were no hooded figures, only curious and amazed stares directed towards me.

"Eve Terrance, let me introduce myself." The lady started. "I am Cassandra Mathews the grand witch of this coven and this is my son, Felix Mathews the leader of our coven."

"Excuse me, did you just say witches?"

"Yes, welcome to our coven."

I looked at the demon next to me who nodded his head, confirming the information. Alicia served me tea with a smile, while the numbing sound of the grandfather clock in the corner striked midnight.

Also known as the witching hour.

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