Chapter 20

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"Eve, can I ask you something?" Felix question, moving his fingers up the side of my body. 

"Sure." I said, as my own fingers played with his tangled hair.

Both of us looked as if we passed through a hurricane, but the look both held in our eyes was something unexplained and soft. It was a look of total love. 

"How long have you had those scars?"

"A few years." I sighed, my eyes now evading his. "They won't disappear. Even if Amy healed them, they still stay on my abdomen, decorating my body to remind me of my stupid choices."

"Oh my little Tuberose." Felix brought my head closer and placed a kiss on my temple. "They look badass."

"Thanks." I smiled up, the sadness vanishing from my eyes.

A loud knock came at the door and it flung open to reveal the pink haired teen with a smile. A smile which faded at the sight before her. 

"What is the meaning of this?!" Serena screeched at the top of her lungs.

In a matter of seconds she was pinned to the ground by none other than Marbas. She squirmed under him and with some silent chants threw him off her, a surprising move which made the rest pull back in a defending stance.

"How could you do this to me?" Serena cried. "I was supposed to be yours, I was supposed to be the supreme of this coven. And now I lost it!"

"All because of HER!" 

Serena yelled and lunged at me, pinning me, the naked teen under the dark sheets, on top of Felix, hands tightly clad around my slender neck. I didn't feel the pain. Amy was in the room and his eyes were pure black, meaning he was feeding off of my pain. 

Eligor swung his large iron pole and the pink haired girl flew back hitting the wall. The demon was ready to stab her heart when a piercing pain shot through me as Eligor's back had some sort of an arrow sticking out it.

"Hnyyaa!" I gripped the sheets as my body twisted in pain. 

Amy had no effect anymore. He wasn't able to feed off of my pain while Buer tried with all his might to calm me down. My eye burned, stinged even! I was panting but the cold hands which touched my naked body made my breath hitch even more.

When did Lucious appear and how did he end up in the room?!

"Now now, little demons." He said, grabbing me by the hair and pulling me up in a manner no man should ever try. "Stay where you are like good little dogs, or you will be left without a King."

No demon moved from his place. The threat did not fall on deaf ears. It was taken seriously.

"Mathew, get our dear Serena and let's leave." The man said as another picked the pink haired witch off the ground. "We got what we came for."

I was in a frenzy of emotions and pain. I wanted to scream, I wanted to cry, hell I even wanted to gauge my own eyes out. Hysteria was taking over.

"Where do you think you are going?" A female voice sounded as strong vines pulled up around the blond boy. 

Cassandra sat in her wheelchair beside a very rigid looking Felix, whose lower half of the body was being hugged by one dark bed sheet. 

"My, if it isn't the wicked witch of the west?" Lucious said, pulling me to stand beside him. "Isn't it obvious, I'm taking my sweet little wife and will force all 72 demons out her body."


My mind was spinning in a river of confusion. Why would he do that? Why would he force them out of me....? That action could kill me, or even worse, send the demons into a berserk state.

"Now if you'll excuse me." Lucious freed his legs from the vines. 

Suddenly a loud gust of wind detached Lucious from me and my naked form fell into the arms of Sytry. In a haze I saw Felix chanting along with his mother and I felt cold.

Voices started talking in my head, overlapping with each other as my eyes moved fast, not being able to stop on anything. My focus was long gone and I could clearly feel being clothed in someone's shirt.

"We need an empty room, fast." Amy's voice sounded like we were in a cave. "Only us demons can stay with her now."

"What? What is happening?" Felix's touch felt so faint.

"The psycho chick cast a spell which initiated the King's evoking ability." Sytry said, swooping me up in his arms.

"Does that mean...?" Cassandra seemed to follow us.

"Today Eve will either die or summon all 72 demons from Solomon's book."

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