Chapter 15

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The canvas was still blank even after two hours of my staring at it. Amy and Marbas were quietly sitting on my bed reading books and my phone kept ringing and ringing until I turned it off. I still kept staring at my canvas, no idea as to what I'm supposed to draw.

"You should try drawing my love for you little Tuberose."

And that's when my heart stopped and both Marbas and Amy shot something at the black haired boy in my window. 

"Damn it Felix!" I said. "You scared the crap out of me and my two demons."

"Sorry." He sat down on the window seat. "No inspiration?"

My different colored eyes met his dark brown ones. What was he doing here anyways?

"Yeah... My eye hurts, my soul hurts and I'm scared." Woah, why am I spilling my guts?

"Scared?" He suddenly stood up and walked towards me. "Of what could my little Tuberose be scared?"

He crouched in front of me and placed his hands around my waist. His eyes were watching me, while my own hands held a brush and twirled it a bit. 

"With Lucious being in town I am endangering the lives of my friends and family. Plus, I have no idea why this mark on my eye keeps pulsing from time to time." I said with a sigh. "Oh and Kylie is throwing me a birthday party this Friday."

"Oh yeah, my Tuberose is turning seventeen." Felix said, pinching my cheeks.

Only now did I notice Amy and Marbas, casually sitting on my bed staring at Felix. Something was off about him. He never pinched my cheeks, he never even crouched in front of me. Felix would most likely already steal a kiss or make sure I was sitting in his lap. 

"Tell me Lucious, how many did you take out?" I asked him, my expression never changing. "How many witches did you kill to get that information."

He laughed and in an instant was pulled back by my two demons.

"Or did you promise Serena power and she spilled the beans?" I smirked with a raised eyebrow.

"I could never keep secrets from you, tuberose." Lucious laughed and his appearance changed.

When did he learn how to use magic?

"Don't call me that. You of all people don't have the privilege to call me that." I said with a sigh. "Why are you even here? I thought your thing was hunting down people I care about and torturing them until I came."

"I see no point in doing that anymore. You don't care for anyone, plus if I did that who knows what you might evoke next!" Lucious said with a smile. "Though I would really enjoy seeing you cry for the little warlock."

"You do get he is older than you, right?" I asked.

"What?" Lucious asked confused.

"Felix is twenty-one years old. While you are eighteen." I sighed. "You still didn't answer my question."

"I can't even stop by to visit my wife anymore?"

I've had enough. I looked at Amy and Marbas and motioned for them with my head to throw him out the window. I really have little to none nerves for him right now.

"Marbas, you can kick him dead." I shrugged and turned back to my canvas.

For some reason I got inspired to draw Lucious burning in Hell, but then again I was satisfied with only a drawing of the night sky. 

And again the a field of tuberoses was growing underneath it.

* * *

The week past by more like a slug would pass a house door. Literally it was the slowest and most agonizing week of my life. School was boring, my dad hasn't raised his hand at me once since Marbas threatened him and I haven't seen Felix at all.

"So, today is the big day!" Kylie grabbed me.

"Yey..." Oh I am seeping out with enthusiasm.

Yes, it is Friday. Currently Kylie is jumping around me ecstatic for my birthday, while Merlin was only watching from the side lines. I was told my birthday would be held at Merlin's house and that half of the school is invited.

I don't even know one third of this school not half!

"I'm going home to get ready. I'll come with Alicia and my siblings." I said and left them.

Alicia  was already at my house, chatting with Eva and Kayden. He seemed to like her a lot. Like, more than friends. 

Amy and I walked in to be greeted by Marbas and a glare from Kenzie. Bitch you wanna go?

"Where do you think your going?" She asked, all high and mighty.

"To evoke the Devil and beg him to eat your ass." I said back, joining Alicia who was walking up the stairs towards my room. "Don't worry, I'll make sure he takes all your designer bags with him to Hell."

Kayden laughed along with Alicia. We left the slut in the living room and went our separate ways to get ready. Alicia jumped up and down on my bed while I for once debated what to wear. 

"Will you tell him?" She asked me.

"Tell who what?" I asked, turning around and raising an eyebrow.

"Felix how you feel." 

"I don't know..." I shrugged. "What should I wear?"

"Eve, first tell me this." Alicia sighed. "Do you like Felix?"

"Yes, I like him." I nodded blushing.

"Then the dark blue dress you got from Cassandra. Heels and let me do your make-up." She said, leaving no room for argument.

I nodded and pulled out the long sleeved dress. Not having any other normal heels than the black studded ones, I pulled those on my feet and turned towards Alicia. She quickly did my make-up into a soft smoky eye with some eyeliner and dark lips. Smiling I went back to my wardrobe and pulled out a wine red lolita dress and gave it to Alicia.

"I rarely wear dresses and it is a waste to not flaunt this beauty, so I am giving it to you." I smiled. "Please wear it tonight."

Alicia was ready to cry. I know very well she had her eye set on this beauty last time she was hear and I really don't mind gifting it to her.

"If we are giving gifts." She snapped her fingers and a box floated in front of me. "Happy birthday Eve."

I opened the floating black box to be met with the sight of a silver necklace with an azure tear drop stone hanging loosely from it. It was a beautiful necklace and matched my blue eye.

"Thanks Alicia, it's very pretty." I said and placed it around my neck.

"I hope you tell Felix your feelings tonight." She said and went to change.

Oh Alicia, you and me both.

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