Chapter 21

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Screams echoed through out the house in a haunting tone.

Felix sat beside his mother, on the ground, clutching his hair in a futile attempt at getting the screams out of his own mind. Cassandra felt her son's pain and wasn't exactly thrilled by the sudden rise of fear in him.

"Felix, calm down. We need to trust those demons in protecting her." Cassandra said, slightly patting her son's head.

"I'm terrified mom." Everybody present heard those words. "I don't want her to die."

Alicia looked as if she was going to burst into tears at the statement her coven leader made. He really did love the girl who had the unfortunate turn of fate of summoning every single demon Solomon ever ruled.

"She won't die." The sudden voice from Alicia alerted everyone of the panic which was rising. "This is Eve who we are talking about. Before you Felix, Eve only had her siblings by her side. But now she even has you, the leader of a coven of witches who would give his life for her. Believe in the girl who painted a portrait of you and keeps clutching onto that one hope of your love."

These words stirred something inside Felix. He knew very well Eve was waging a war of her own behind the closed doors of that room and without a second thought the male stood up looking at his coven with fire in his eyes.

"Tonight we will wage a war of our own." Felix stated. "My Tuberose is suffering in there because one of ours hurt her. I will not tolerate magic being used in the ways of a dark one."

Cassandra sighed, knowing where this will lead.

"I am sorry to those who practice black magic, I understand what it means, but this coven will no longer be associated with the use, unless it is connected to Solomon's demons."

"We can shift our worship to them leader. It is no problem for us." One of the coven members smiled up at him, showing him his full support.

"Good." Felix nodded and then glanced at each of them. "I believe Serena and her new friends are hiding out in our old coven house."

The door in which Eve laid in her bear body, screaming in agony, suddenly cracked open revealing four demons as they stepped out.

"Young witch, we wish to join this battle and protect our King." Sytry said as he looked at Felix. "There are about four more demons evoked who will stay behind to protect our King and Buer had asked for the assistance of the supreme. The rest who will be evoked will join the battle gradually and aid you."

"We are here to protect and serve the King." Marbas said.

"Her siblings know of us and they have accepted us. They will not be harmed thanks to my barrier which is protecting them." Eligor nodded.

Felix was taken aback, but none the less nodded his head.

"Mother, I leave my Tuberose in your careful arms." Felix nodded as he headed out with the demons and his coven.

Tonight, the torture of Eve Terrance ends.

* * *

The house on the hill looked as ever. Abandoned. Creepy. And all out scary.

The only difference here was that a coven of witches surrounded the house, all feeling the energy of the four people inside, not to mention a whole bunch of energies to be more precise.

"The whole sect is here." Amy stated his body shifting uncontrollably as he transformed into his demon form along with the others. "We will all go inside together as a form of first offence and distraction."

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