Chapter 12

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My phone suddenly started ringing and woke me up. I didn't even look at the screen and just answered half asleep.


"Someone's groggy." Kylie giggled.

"Kylie, it's 8 in the morning on a Saturday. This better be good."

"Oh but it is." She chuckled. "What do you say about a party?"

"I told you I don't do party's." I groaned and turned towards Amy.

Yeah we share a bed.

"Oh come on Eve, Stacey invited you specially. You should come."

"She invited Felix and his gang, not me. She knows very well that they won't come, unless I do. I'm not going." I whined.

"Felix is going to be there. And so is Dylan. And you know both of them. And I have a crush on the later-"

"Fine! You guilt written bitch." I mumbled and she laughed. "When's the damn party?"

"I'll pick you up at 9."

"No need. I have a feeling Kayden and Dex are invited. So I'll hitch a ride with them." And with that I hung up.

I groaned and got out of bed. I walked to the bathroom only to be met with an unusual reflection in the mirror. Right over my right eye the star of David was placed like a tattoo. I screamed and Amy burst through the door.

"Mistress! What's wrong?!" Amy asked, crouching down next to me.

"My eye..." I whimpered.

Amy took a look and held his breath. I'm guessing this is a very bad thing. He quickly stood up and locked my bedroom door, telling my siblings I just had a nightmare. He then came back and helped me stand up.

"Eve listen to me carefully." He began. "You are to say that this mark on your eye is a tattoo you got yesterday evening when you went out with Dexter and Kayden. You three were drunk and that's that."

I nodded reluctantly but somehow I had a feeling I should listen to him. My phone then ran again signalizing I had a text. It was from Alicia, she told me she'd come over to get ready for the party with me.

Taking a deep breath I stared at my eye with horror. What the hell was the meaning of this?

* * *

"Eve there's someone at the door for you!" Owen yelled and I ran down the stairs.

"No running in the house!" Kenzie yelled.

"Whatever scarecrow." I mumbled.

Kenzie turned towards me with anger clouding her eyes, while I smirked. I deliberately ran to the door, challenging her to hit me or raise her voice. She only gritted her teeth and turned around. I happily opened the door and Alicia and her friend Eliza, also known as Eli walked in.

"Sorry to intrude Eve." Eli said.

"No problem." I smiled and closed the door behind them. "Come on, I'll take you to my room."

I walked back up the stairs, passing Kenzie in the process. She glared at me and the girls, which only earned her a smile from me. Not intimidated blondie.

"What's up with her?" Alicia asked.

"Scarecrow doesn't like it when I bring over friends." I said. "You should have seen her expression when I introduced Kylie and Merlin to the family. Or when Dex introduced Kit and Greg."

"Weird." They both giggled.

I opened my bedroom door and was greeted with the sight of Amy casually reading on my window seat. The girls gasped and giggled when they witnessed my room.

"Purple and white?" Alicia teased.

"Shut up. I was five when this room was being painted." I giggled and let them in.

"These are pretty." Eli said, tracing the sketches on my walls.

"Thank you. There are more in that corner over there." I pointed to the corner where all of my canvas was neatly pilled up.

Eli walked over and went through them, while Alicia found my closet and gasped. She started pulling out different dresses and her eyes gleamed when she found my secret stash of lolita themed goth clothes.

"You are my new best friend." She said. "Can I borrow any of these for tonight?" 

"Of course. Choose whichever you like."

I walked over to my wardrobe and found some men's clothes I kept for Amy. Choosing a pair of black skinny jeans and a white shirt I threw it at Amy, who only raised his brow at me.

"Go get dressed. Your coming with us." I smiled.

In that moment Dexter and Kayden burst through my door. They happily smiled and caught Amy under the arms. They dragged him out saying they'd get him ready and left. Weird.

"Hey Eve?" Eli asked me.

"Hmm?" I turned to look at her.

She was smirking at a canvas that she held in her hands and moved to stand in the middle of the room. She then turned the canvas and Alicia widened her eyes, while I blushed furiously. Dang it she found something embarrassing.

"Nice portrait you got here. Is he someone special?" Eli teased me.

I was blushing furiously and Alicia looked repeatedly from the canvas to me. Damn, I forgot about that portrait of Felix. 

"Oh my god, I knew you had a crush on him." Alicia squealed. "We need to get you ready for tonight. He's gonna be there."

She gushed and started undressing me.

"Hey!" I screamed and pulled my shirt down.

"Eve don't fight her. Just change into what she wants. Trust me it's futile." Eli sighed and placed the canvas back where she found it.

Alicia threw me a black Sabrina mini dress from Gypsy Warrior that I got as a Christmas present last year. She poked me all the way to the bathroom and I sighed. I quickly changed into it and brushed my hair out of my eyes. The mark was still there and I had no idea what it meant. It scared me, but I decided to ignore it.

I walked out and Alicia giggled. She made me sit down in front of my vanity and she started putting on my make up. She stopped when she saw the marking on my eye.

"Eve what is this?" She asked a bit worried.

"I got drunk last night and me and the twins got a tattoo... This is the result." I gulped.

"It's cute. I like it." Eli commented, taking a seat next to me.

Alicia didn't say anything and continued with what she was doing. I know she doesn't believe me, but even I don't know what this is. Damn my life and choices before this.

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