epilogue ✿ loose ends

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Why Alex helped Lisa at the club

At this point, Alex and Hayley were in love. So when his ex-girlfriend is in trouble, why does he go be her knight in shinning armor?

Lisa was his first love. They started dating in high school, and they stayed together after they graduated. But, Alex had cheated on her multiple times, and Lisa may have cheated on him a couple times.

So Alex had a little guilt. He broke up with her out of the blue and had been cheating on her. He gets this call as he is laying in bed next to Hayley. He answers the phone after realizing how many messages and missed calls there are.

He knows how panicked she is, and it makes him worried. He listens to everything she says, and then gets up and goes to save her.

So there was some guilt in there, but I think he did it just because she came to him. She could have called anyone else, but her instincts still told her to run to Alex. He didn't have to, but he knew how scared she was. He knew she was drunk and in trouble, and he could have completely left her on her own.

He wasn't still in love with her. He basically helped her out as a friend, but there were the other feelings also behind it; The guilt and the worry.

Blair and Alex at the lake

So in the car, Blair knocked Alex out. She had to drag him from the car, down the hill, and to the lake. Then tie him up, and get him in the water. It's super important that this place is abandoned, obviously. So she's got him tied up, and she starts into the shallow part of the lake. She dunks his head underwater to try to get him to wake up.

When he finally does wake up, she's holding him up. He's standing, and she walks around in front of him. She pushes him onto his back, and he falls underwater. Then she puts her hand on his forehead, and makes sure he stays under. She keeps him under just long enough for him to run out of air and panic, and then she pulls him back up.

Blair threatens to tie him to a cinder block and throw him in the deep end. Obviously, she doesn't do that. She grips his hair, and holds him underwater again. She brings him up again, but pushes him on his back and leaves him.

Alex watches her walk up to her car, throw his phone out, and leave. It's hours before anyone finds him. He's just floating around on top of the water.

Lisa and Blair

Originally Blair tells people she is Lisa's adopted sister. Because she is just a few years younger, it's believable. Later, they find out that Blair was actually just a long-lost cousin. Lisa's parents, and the rest of the family, had cut off all contact with Blair's family. When Blair found out about Lisa's family, she was jealous. So she set out to become Lisa's best friend. She eventually moved in with Lisa, and had gained her trust.

Alex brought Lisa home drunk that night, and left. Lisa and Blair got in a fight, and just let out everything that was bothering them. Blair was angry and her jealousy starts to get the better of her, and she murders Lisa.

Alex and Tay + what was going on outside the club

Alex and Tay had a series of one night stands. The first one was in high school, and Alex was dating Lisa. Alex's family took a weekend vacation to Poughkeepsie, and Alex met Tay. One thing led to another, and they had their first one night stand. He hadn't seen her for a while, but then she ended up in Baltimore. They hooked up again.

Alex hadn't really heard from Tay until she showed up at his house. Jack had kept in touch more than he did. Jack updated him on the band stuff and where she was sometimes. When Jack started to see Alex and Hayley getting closer, he called Tay. He was hoping that she'd cause the drama that she did. But it kind of backfired on Jack because he ended up falling in love with Tay.

So besides hooking up with Alex, Tay also got him arrested. She would stay out late every night, and it worried Jack. But one night she doesn't come home, and Jack and Alex go to find her. They find out she's at a bar in downtown Baltimore, and they drive out there at four in the morning.

They go out a back door that is usually only used for staff, and are in the parking lot. It's sandwiched between the two buildings, and it's very dark. Tay was leaning against the wall with some guys around her.  We know Alex punched one of them, and then got arrested, but what happened to Tay before the guys got there?

She was drunk. That's what you go to a bar for, after all. She lost track of her friends, and ended up in the wrong place. These guys decided to have some fun with her, and brought her outside. They messed around with her, and did things they shouldn't. But Tay never really remembered any of it.

You Me At Six + Paramore USA Tour agreement

One comment I'd seen said "why did she [Hayley] agree to tour with them [You Me At Six] then?" Part of that would be that the management set up the tour. And the other part would be that Hayley agreed to do the tour if All Time Low could support it. Did it cause more drama in the end? Definitely.

Hayley had made it clear to Josh that the kiss was a big mistake, and that she loved Alex. That was clear on the European tour, and it was clear on the US tour. They'd grown really close since they toured together before, and they were touring now. They were best friends, so Josh tried to help her out and keep Alex distracted in any way he could.

Josh tried to become Alex's best friend as well, but Alex knew that there was something off about Josh. So the entire tour ended up being a big mess. The management thought it would be the tour of the century, but it was a lot worse than that.

Hayley in New York

The idea behind this was that Hayley was going out to get drunk. She wanted to get wasted for the first time in her life because she regretted her decisions so much. Alex had just found out that she kissed Josh when they were in Europe, and she wanted to forget about it.

So she goes out to the nearest bar, where Alex had gone just a little bit before, but they card her. They know she's not twenty-one yet, and they don't let her in. So she goes a little further and finds another bar. That one doesn't card her, and she goes in. She gets really drunk, and blacks out. She can't remember what happened the next morning.

So what did happen is that a guy tried to take advantage of her. She was pinned against the wall, and he was lifting her shirt up. She kept pulling her shirt down, and he would grip her waist. He was pressing so hard that it left bruising on her stomach. She finally was screaming, and someone called the cops.

Hayley was brought to the hospital because they wanted to make sure she was okay. She was drunk and alone, so they just wanted to make sure she didn't wind up dead in a ditch.

They check her out, check her vitals, all that stuff. And they see the bruising on the stomach. She tells them that the guy did it, and start looking in some other places. They notice something on her breast, and send her in for a mammogram, and that's when they see that she has cancer.

They don't tell her any of it until after Alex gets there. It was the last visit with the doctor that the news gets delivered. They knew she was sober, and she'd understand what was going on. But she decides she doesn't want to do anything until she gets back home.

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