Guess who

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Ok so in this chapter you have to guess who each fragment is about. Comment on each one and in the next chapter or when I have enough comments I'll tell you who I'm writing about in each little story.

Story #1

My body burned. Usually it doesn't hurt that much but this time it did. It felt as though millions of long, Greek Fire filled needles were being repeatedly stabbed into me all over my body.

The light was blinding. So bright it would practically murder my eyes even if I had fifty ray bands on.

It happened so suddenly. I lurched forward in blinding light and pain. I struggled to keep going, to keep fighting. If I stopped I might never see her again. I could feel my pace accelerating, with that the light got brighter and the pain seared a thousand times worse. A loud noise could be heard. I couldn't tell if it was my screaming or the wind whistling around me, howling as I separated air molecules so fast that they snapped back together with a bang.

Then a noise even louder than me or the molecules screaming as my dashing self witted by, a noise so frightening that every monster in the whole country would disintegrate. Then it was over. The light abruptly stopped and the pain quickly receded, only to be replaced with a different kind of pain.

I was dead.

Story #2

Burning. Burning. That was all I felt. Burning. Not the ahh-I'm-on-fire burning but the ahh-my-face-just-got-ripped-off-my-head-and-it-stings burning.

I could feel the liquid in my veins turning everything to mush. I had a pain the size of a peach pit in the center of my right rib cage. I could feel my grace and limbs go numb. I couldn't move. My lungs were on fire for I couldn't breathe. It was as though a under block was resting on my wind pipe.

Their voices. They swirled around in my head. It made me confused and my migraine worse. My head throbbed. The helmet that had once been there was melted off a long with most of my hair. I probably looked like a cross-breed of a hairless dog and someone who needed an extreme ultra deluxe pretty in pink super duper makeover.

My open stomach flesh wound poured out liters of blood with every heart pulsation I had. My face was starting to go wonky. My cheeks sagged and I couldn't move half of my face, the paralisation stage has begun.

All of a sudden it felt like I was being ripped apart, limb by limb, perfectly manicured nail by perfectly manicured nail. I lay there in my last moments, last heart beats, with my arm outstretched, hand open wide showing off my prize. I contemplated  wether I was in enough pain for what is done. My long dead love. If I'd go to the fields of punishment even after I sacrificed myself for the good of CHB in the end. But at least I'd die knowing I did the right thing in the end.

I inhaled for the last time, whispered my true loves name and smiled. I couldn't feel anything. I couldn't see anything. I couldn't hear anything. At that moment I knew I was dead. The pain ceased as I slipped through the sky, finally making my way to Charon.

Story #3

I shot one last arrow as the earth began to crack. Huge chunks of the ground were being ripped up and shifting. I stood at the very edge, knowing I would die, waiting for the earth to swallow me whole.

I was scared out of my mind, terrified. The cracks got bigger and bigger making the whole ground shift and move. When a crack opened up at my feet, blocking my only way to get back, I jumped in. The water underneath splashed as I landed in it. It was freezing even in the middle of the summer. Too stunned to move, I floated, face in the water. I couldn't breathe.

Chunks of rock started falling from the sky. One landed on me, it was so painful. It crushed my back and pulled me deeper into my doom. As the light got dimmer and dimmer, my lungs screamed for me to breathe. I obliged, opening my mouth and sucking in. It was almost as painful as holding your breath for two minutes. As the water flooded in through my wind pipe, I coughed and sputtered. It was extremely unpleasant.

The light was completely gone now and I touched the bottom of the body of water. The rock was so heavy. My eyes were so heavy. I sucked in my last breath of water and let my life fade away completely.

Story #4

My armor chaffed at the spot I stabbed myself at making a very uncomfortable experience. The knife dug deep into my soft skin. It was excruciatingly painful. Like I had killed a thousand arai that each had terrible curses. My arm twitched and soon the pain was more than I could bear.

I was combusting now. Heat rolled off me in waves. At last I went limp. The pain was bad but slowly fading. My eyes rolled back into my head even though I was still conscious. I couldn't move. The pain was so overwhelming that I completely forgot about him. He was in me, whaling inside my head. I could feel him breaking into thousands of tiny pieces and slicing my insides. He was pushed out of me in pain and was banished to Tartarus.

My soul was slowly slipping from my body. It happened so fast that I still don't know what happened completely. All I remember is whizzing by and getting on a boat. When I arrived at the ball of judgement I received punishment. In the end I think the pain of betraying my family and never seeing them again was worse than the pain of dying.

Last ones super easy 😉😉😉

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