Film star

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The flashing lights were blinding and the noise was deafening. I walked on the carpet, pausing every now and then. I could barely see through the lights, but what I could see was thousands of screaming fans. Bodyguards were holding them back and quieting them so that I could be heard in my interviews. I was at a prestigious award ceremony, where I was nominated for thirteen awards. I am an actress so the awards did not stray too far out of character. I was dressed up for the occasion. I sported a long, silly black dress. It slit up my leg and fanned out behind me. It hugged my curves and rested on my chest in a sweetheart neckline. The bottom had white lace that was slightly hidden due to the curves and folds of the dress. I felt gorgeous with my hair pinned back in a simple French braid. The twist was that coloured flowed, of many different variations, dotted throughout my hair. The couloir on my head and the bright white of my shoes created pops of colour and made me shine. It was most defiantly not my usual attire. I do it for the movies though.

My most recent film featured me as the main character who goes on a road trip with her mother who was dying of cancer. My mother and father were abusive alcoholics. The person I played ran away from home and only came back when she heard that her father was dead and her mother was dying. Throughout the movie, my character realizes that her mother was not all that bad and sorry for what she did She also meets her long lost twin sister. It was one heck of a ride to film.

"Miss. Chase?" a male voice asked me. It sounded like butter on a stick. I looked up, through the natural brown times of my makeup, and saw piercing green eyes. The interviewer had messy black hair and he donned a fitted suit. Even the reporters dressed as best as they could for this event. I walked over to him, acknowledging his presence.

"Can I borrow a couple minutes to ask you some questions?" I was slightly taken aback. Reporters are not usually this polite or respectful. Even if I am famous and need to do interviews for publicity, I still have feelings and do not like to be bombarded.

"Yes, yes. Of course."

The interviewer smiled and began, "My name is Percy. First off, I know many of your fans have tweeted CELEBNOUVEAU asking if you found it difficult to play a character that had been abused and treated awfully? We know what you went through as a child, as you shared this info with us in an other interview, was it hard?" again, I was taken aback. I had not expected to get such profound questions. Usually I am asked what brand I am wearing or what it was like to work with one of my co-stars.

"To be honest, it was empowering. As a child I was confused and I didn't really know what to do. Now that I am older and have lived through the experiences, pain and forgiveness, it was much easier to portray that type of character. It brought back a lot of memories, but in the end I felt more comfortable being me and being able to act as I did." The interviewer, Percy, regarded me with a brilliant expression. He seemed almost proud. Like he had been through the same thing and he was happy that I was becoming such an advocate and spokesperson for abuse and neglect.

"One last question, so as not to take up too much of you time. Were you excited to play the role of a character that was actually your own age? This may seem like a silly question, but I have noticed that you usually play young teenagers or older people." The question brought a laugh to my lips.

"Actually I was nervous. Like you said, I don't play roles of people that are my age. I was worried that I would completely mess up and make a complete fool of myself and every twenty two year old alive." Percy smiled. He responded by saying that he didn't think I could mess up any role.

When he finished interviewing me I walked away, even happier than before. I was invigorated and excited. I really like the reporter. I hoped that we would meet again. 

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