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One morning Percy was walking down the street. Percy was going to school. In the horizon the sun illuminated buildings. Cars honked and swerved around each other. People bustled the street, on their way to work. Everything was serene.

Then Percy noticed someone following him. They were slight and tall, wearing baggy clothes. A hood was pulled high up over their head, and Percy couldn't make out their face.

Picking up his pace, Percy hurriedly weaved through people. This better not be a monster he thought. He quickly turned into and alley and whipped out riptide. Moments later the figure stepped into the shadows of the alley.

"Who are you? What do you want with me?" Percy asked. "Do you know who I am? I have defeated things much bigger and stronger than you!"

"Haha," the laugh was infectious and familiar. "Don't get you sword in a twist, Seaweed Brain,"

"Wise Girl! What are you doing here?" Percy was pleasantly surprised.

His girlfriend, who was supposed to be halfway across the country, was in front of him. Percy ran and hugged her. Her arms tightened around his neck. Annabeth squeezed him. She gripped him harder and harder.

"Anna, what the heck? You're hurting me!" Percy struggled to get out of her grasp. In his struggle, he knocked her hood off.

Under the hood was not his girlfriend. It was a monster. Hideous. Warts and burns were all over her face and her eyes were milky white. Backing away from her, Percy pulled riptide into a defensive position. The beast transformed. It transformed, getting bigger and bigger, skin wrinkling and peeling away. It's bones started moving under it's skin, distorting their figure. When more and more skin peeled away, bones started to show. Blood trickled from the wounds and it's hair fell out in clumps of ragged mess.

Percy was speechless. In the brief seconds of his confusion, the monster lunged at him, knocking him over. Percy flew into the brick wall opposite him. He hit it with a thud and tumbled to the ground.
The monster loomed above him, casting monstrous shadows everywhere.

"Persseuss Jacksson. I have come to desstroy you. Once and for all. You will be the beginning of my rein of terror!" It spoke in a snake like voice. It was like it was speaking in his mind, amplified and echoing because of his skull.

The monster bent down slowly, reaching for Percy. He rolled away, just in time too. If he had stayed there any longer he would be reduced to ashes by the great big hands.

"Arghh! You dare try to esscape your fate?" It growled and speedily turned around.

Percy ran towards the wall, the monster close by. He jumped up and pushed off of the wall and into a back flip. Percy landed on the hunched back of the 7" tall demon. He slid down, tearing his sword through it's skin. It let out a howl of pain.

"You cannot kill me, Persseuss Jacksson. In order for me to die, my victim musst die ass well."

Percy's mind went reeling. Who was this monster? Is there any other way for him to defeat her?

Percy struck the beast. Ripping and slashing with riptide. Chinks of skin flew away and golden ichor flooded the ground. Slowly but surely the monster was heeling. New, pink skin closed the gashes and the ichor Drizzled back into the wounds, defying gravity.

As hard as Percy worked, he was making no progress. He was tiring out. There's no other way to defeat her he thought.

Percy backed away, sweat dripping off of him. Small gashes were oozing blood. He was panting. The monster laughed, not Annabeth's laugh. A different, more horrible one.

He clutched his side and fell to the ground. Riptide fell from his lose grasp. The monster rose above him, grabbed riptide and slammed it down into Percy's side.

Immediately the monster crumbled into thick ash. Percy was in so much pain. He didn't know what to do.

Suddenly an idea formed in his head. He had ambrosia and nectar. For emergencies, and this definitely qualified as an emergency. He dragged himself to his school bag and opened the pocket. He pulled out a flask and a baggy. Stuffing a handful in his mouth and taking a big swig, the affects already started working. He laid down, nibbling in ambrosia, until he knew that he couldn't have any more.

His stomach started to heel and the blood slowly stopped. His cuts and bruises disappeared. He was still not well. He needed to get to the infirmary. But how?he was hours away and he didn't have a car.

He remembered all the great time he had spent with his friends, not wanting to leave them. He remembered when Tyson, Annabeth and him had traveled by the Grey Sisters taxi. That was it. He had drachmas. He stood up and retrieved the money of the gods.

"Anakoche. Harma epitribeios!" He three his coin in the street and waited. He grabbed his stuff and capped riptide. Still clutching his side, he leaned against the wall.

A loud whoosh and tremendous winds filled the alley. The Chariot of Damnation arrived. The door swung open and he jumped in.

"One way to Camp Half-Blood," he said. The sisters cackled.

"Perseus Jackson. We meet again. This'll cost you," with that the taxi sped off. Faster and faster, dodging the other cars. Percy gripped the seat and gritted his teeth. He jostled and was tossed around. His surroundings blurred around him. Within minutes they came to an abrupt halt that sent Percy flying. The door opened and he tumbled out. Percy jumped up and handed over his drachmas. The taxi flew into the air with frightening speeds and was gone in moments. Percy hobbled his way up the hill. He slipped and winced but made it none-the-less. Percy collapsed inside the camp's boundaries.

"Help! Help! Someone's hurt!" A voice screamed from near him. Before Percy could be helped, he was overcome with darkness.

------time lapse------

"Perce." A soft voice called. Percy groaned in response. His eyes flitted open and closed quickly. Everything was so bright. His skin felt feverish and his stomach felt as though he had been rammed through by Mrs. O'Leary.

"Percy," a voice bleated. "You alright man?"

"Grover? What are you doing here?" Aren't you supposed to be saving the wild?" Percy asked.

"I arrived yesterday, came to see Juniper,"

Percy slowly sat up. Grover handed him some nectar. It tasted like the birthday cake Annabeth had made for him when he turned sixteen.

"What happened?" Called a voice. Will. Will walked in followed by Nico, his boyfriend.

"Well, I was on my way to school," Percy watched Chiron walk in too, "and this person started following me. I slipped into an alley and confronted them. It was Annabeth, or at least I thought it was. They started squeezing me very hard. I broke away and watched it transform into a hideous monster. It attacked me and told me that I had to die in order for it to die. So I let it hurt me and it crumbled to dust. I took some ambrosia and nectar and called the Chariot of Damnation. Then I arrived here and here we are."

"This can't be good," Chiron said, "Percy, you didn't die. It will be back."

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