One shot part 2

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"This can't be good," Chiron said, "Percy, you didn't die. It will be back."


Every face in the room was crest fallen.

"No one is safe anymore." Continued Chiron.

"But why haven't we heard of something like this before? Usually Rachel would have a prophecy." Said Nico. He was right. Even though he was young, he was smarter than a lot of people.

"Rachel is not even at camp. How would we know if she did have a prophecy?" Grover said. He too had a point. Percy was silent. He was looking out of the infirmary window. Something was obviously troubling him.

"Was it my fault?" He asked. Percy felt guilty. Everyone looked at him. Worried and sad.

"Of course not, Perseus. Thanks to you, we are aware of what is going on." Percy looked reassured. He had been through a lot. Most of the more recent terrible things happened because of him. Indirectly, of course. The big war prophecies were about him.

Chiron spoke up, "We need to make calls. Bring the other demigods back to camp and earn camp Jupiter. Someone round up the rest of the cabin leaders. We need  to talk."

------time lapse------

Later that evening, after dinner, there was a meeting in the infirmary. They had to take the meeting to Percy seeing as he couldn't walk.

"Fist things first we need to contact every other person that attends camp and order them back. We will start this tomorrow morning. Each of you will get a list of names and you will Iris message them. Moving on," Chiron took charge, "We need to contact Rachel Elizabeth Dare right now. Someone has to be sent to pick her up and bring her here. Seeing as all of you are in danger, I will go."

Cries of outrage filled the room.

"Chiron you can't!"

"Who will run the camp?"

"We'll be stuck with Mr. D!"

In the middle of all the noise, Percy snuck out. He wasn't supposed to be walking, but it was important.

"Wise girl," Percy breathed, relief evident, "You need to come to camp!" he exclaimed.

"What? Why?" Annabeth was confused. What had happened.

"Wise girl, I was attacked by an immortal being!" Percy explained. He was breathless for no reason at all. He felt protective and worried. His girlfriend was on the other side of the country while monsters, different than usual, attacked demigods.

"Seaweed brain, we always fight immortal beings," Annabeth chuckled, thinking this was all a prank. Her boyfriend could be ridiculous.

"No. Annabeth, I was attacked by some monster that cannot die unless it's victim dies. I didn't die. Neither did it," Annabeth's eyes were wide. She couldn't believe it. It hadn't even been six months since the war between Gaia and there was already another big problem.

"Ok, Perce. I'll catch the earliest flight. Be carful will you?" With that she ended the Iris message and hurried off to pack.

"Percy? Where are you?" a voice called from the infirmary. He got up and hurried, as fast as someone who was almost killed can go, back to the meeting.

"I'm here," he replied. Percy sat, panting and in pain. People cast worried glances towards him. When the room. Exams eerily quiet, Percy looked back up. What he saw sent his heart flying. And not in a good way.

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